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English Audio Request

118 Words / 1 Recordings / 6 Comments

(Dec 7th 2011)Hi, it`s the Wendesday evening, and winter. The view from my window seems a little lonely. Is it just me being moody?Anyways, I got home, I sat at my table, and turned on my laptop. On cold winter days, it seems it's easy to feel lonely. I need to cheer up!Oh, I am going to Beijing next Tuesday, on December 13th. I will meet my old Chinese friends. It`s been a long time since I've seen them.(= I haven't seen them in a long time. )When was the last time I went to Beijing? Oh, yes, it was the March of last year. (=Oh yes, it was last year, in March. )(Please correct my mistakes. )


  • (2011.12.7)I `m going to Beijing on the next Tuesday.다음주 화요일 북경에 갑니다 ( recorded by doksuri ), American Standard

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Dec. 7, 2011

(2011.12.7)여러분 모두 안녕하세요?
수요일으 겨울 저녁입니다. 창밖의 모습이 조금 쓸쓸해 보이네요.
내 기분탓일까요?
그건 그렇고, 집에 와서 식탁에 앉아서 노트북을 켭니다.

겨울엔 좀 쉽게 외로움을 타는 듯 해요. 좀 기운을 내야겠습니다! 아자!아자!

아, 참 ! 저는 다음주 화요일 북경에 갑니다. 12월13일이지요.
옛날 북경 친구들을 좀 만나 봐야겠네요. 정말 오랫만에 갑니다.
음..........언제 마지막으로 북경에 갔었더라?
아~ 네! 작년 3월이었군요.

Dec. 7, 2011


不管怎么样, 我回家后坐在饭桌前边打开了笔记本电脑。
寒冷的冬天,很容易让我们感到孤独。 我要加油啊!

啊,对了! 下星期三我去北京,是12月3日。
我可以见北京的老朋友们。  好久没见了!
恩。。。。。我是什么时候最后去的北京呢?/ (=我最后一次去北京是什么时候呢? )
啊哈!是去年三月份的时候. /(= 是去年三月份的.)

Dec. 8, 2011

There were just three mistakes: "the" before Wednesday, misspelling of Wednesday, and "the" before March. Actually you could say "the" before March and it would be ok, but it would be less commonly heard.

(Dec 7th 2011) Hi, it`s Wednesday evening, and winter. The view from my window seems a little lonely. Is it just me being moody? Anyways, I got home, I sat at my table, and turned on my laptop. On cold winter days, it seems it's easy to feel lonely. I need to cheer up! Oh, I am going to Beijing next Tuesday, on December 13th. I will meet my old Chinese friends. It`s been a long time since I've seen them. (= I haven't seen them in a long time.) When was the last time I went to Beijing? Oh, yes, it was March of last year. (=Oh yes, it was last year, in March. )

Dec. 8, 2011

I also will record for you. ^^
And more, thank you very very much for fixing my mistakes. ^^

Dec. 10, 2011

You're welcome ^_^ I am trying to learn Korean but it seems like there isn't any sincere help... I hope you will help.

Dec. 10, 2011

OK, I will!
I would!


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