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English Audio Request

336 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments

• Hi, all friends who are learning Korean!
• How are you? It's Monday evening.
• Yesterday and the day before (that), I felt a little gloomy (I sank into a liitle bit of melancholy).
• But today I feel better, because I went to school and I had some time with the kids.
• so I guess we need to do something...anything.
• If we do not keep (ourselves) busy,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it `s easy to start feeling gloomy /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to fall in a state of gloom /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to start feeling the blues /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to start feeling a little depressed.
• Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean anything (serious).
• By the way, the entries below are in my Chinese and Korean journal.
• I recorded them in Korean too, so, if you want, you can try to listen them / you can try to listen to them at least once.
• ^^I hope it can improve your listening ability / listening comprehension.
• to tell you the truth, I would like to write the English journal too, but as you know it`s very difficult to write in English for me, so I am just writing in Korean and in Chinese here.
• that's all. ^^ Thanks! -----------★☆╮☆°.• ∴°☆° -------------★☆╮☆°.• ∴°☆° -

~ bangbang~ ~~{{{{{{Pease~~correct my mistakes~~^.^/}}}}~~~

Korean Audio=>
한국어를 배우시는 모든 친구 여러분, 안녕하셔요? 지금은 월요일 저녁입니다. 어제와 그제는 제 기분이 좀 우울했어요. 그러나 오늘은 좋아졌어요. 왜냐하면 학교에 가서 아이들과 지냈기 때문이지요. 그래서 제 생각에는 우리가 무엇이든간에 반드시 할 일이 있어야 한다고 여겨요. 할 일이 없으면 우울해 지기 쉬워져요. 뭐, 다 그렇다는 것은 아니지만요~~~
그건 그렇고, 아래의 일기들은 저의 중국어와 한국어 일기예요. 그리고 그것을 한국어로 녹음을 했어요. 만약 여러분이 원하신다면 한번 들어 보셔도 좋아요. 녹음이 여러분의 듣기 향상에 도음이 되었으면 좋겠어요.
음.....솔직히 말하자면, 영어로도 쓰고 싶었지만, 여러분도 아시다시피 영어로 쓰기엔 너무 어려워서 그냥 중국어와 한글로만 쓴거예요.
그래서...음,,,전부예요. ^^/ 감사합니다. 기분 좋은 밤 보내셔요.

~방방~~{{{{{{{제 일기에서 잘못 쓴 부분을 고쳐 주셔요. ..부탁^.*/}}}}}

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Dec. 10, 2010

I think it might be helpful to korean learners if you posted your Korean diaries as Audio Requests here on Rhinospike and uploaded your own recordings to them.

Dec. 11, 2010

"-------------★☆╮☆°.· ∴°☆° -------------★☆╮☆°.· ∴°☆°
Thomas) Thank you very much!
Your recording is very helful for me.
I am so happy to be listen your voice at here^~^//
I love hearing your voice.

and I hope my audio can help friends who are learning Korean too^^.

Thanks again!
------------★☆╮☆°.· ∴°☆° -------------★☆╮☆°.· ∴°☆°


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