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English Audio Request

101 Words / 1 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

Please record in English. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

It became cold suddenly!
Sudden visitor.
It looks like winter visited already.
Any way I`d better welcome welcome guest of winter.
It is the change of seasons.
It's easy to catch a cold during the change of seasons.
Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold.
*My Pictures: I miss winter!
I took it a few yeard ago by my handphone. I like this cold and blue feeling.
And you?
와~~~ 오늘은~~!!!
갑자기 추워졌어요!
갑작스런 방문객입니다.
벌써 겨울 손님이 온 듯 합니다.
어쨌든, 겨울 손님을 맞이할 준비를 해야겠네요.
환절기에는 감기에 걸리기 쉽습니다
여러분도 감기 조심하세요!



Nov. 2, 2010

Heya! I've had a go at "Anglicising" your text a bit. It sounds very strange to me as it is. You know, we have a personification of winter known as Jack Frost.

Wow! Today it suddenly got cold!
It's that time of year again folks!
Yes, it looks like Jack Frost is back.
Let's welcome him with open arms!
But, be careful; he's likely to give you a cold!
So let's make snowmen, ride on sleighs and enjoy the winter!
But, don't stay out too long or you might get sick.

My pictures - I miss winter!
I took these a few years ago on my mobile. I like the frosty feeling of winter! What about you?

Nov. 2, 2010

quesuerte, THank you very much.
Your wirting is vey nice!
THanks again,and could you read your writing for me?


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