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English Audio Request

236 Words / 1 Recordings / 8 Comments
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Thanks for reading. If you finf any miskaes please correctthem. Thank you very much!

Hello everyone! Today, I want to try to use Chinese/English to describe the following three pictures and wish to practice my Chinese skills. Please inform me of a better way to say this. Thank you everyone.
This is a picture that my friend sent to my phone. She lives in Yantai, China, and she has been living there for a long time.
Her apartment is located on the seaside, so we can see the sea and a beach through the window. It makes us feel refreshed and relaxed.
I received this picture a few days ago, and on that day the wind was very strong, so there were big waves with white bubbling form.

The second picture:
This is a picture that my son sent to me yesterday. He took this picture with his senior yesterday. The white snow is laid thick on the mountain. There was no wind but the sunshine was spreading. It was a great day for mountaineering.

The third picture:
This is a picture that one of my friends sent to me on Lunar New Year’s Day。As she said, this orchid flower bloomed on New Year’s Day, so somehow I feel that it’s a lucky sign. This is because seeing a blooming orchid’s flower is rare. Furthermore, since it bloomed on the Lunar New Year’s morning it seems like she will have good luck in the new year. I hope so



Feb. 13, 2013

大家好! 今天,我想用中文来描述一下下面三张照片,想练习练习我的中文/英文表达能力。请大家多多指教。请告诉我更好的表达方式。谢谢大家!
这是我朋友发给我手机的照片。 她跟家人一起在中国烟台已经住了很长时间了。他住的公寓就在海边,透过客厅的窗户就能看得见海水和海滩, 令人心旷神怡[xīn kuàng shén yí]. 是这几天她发给我的,她说当天海风很大,所以在客厅里都能看得见波浪的白色泡沫 [pàomò]。
这张是我的儿子昨天发到我的手机上的照片。 他昨天跟师兄去登山,在山上拍下来发给我的。他说山上有白雪很漂亮,不但没有风而且感觉阳光很暖和,登山的气氛很好!
这张照片是春节当天朋友发给我的。按她的说明,这兰花 [lánhuā]春节当天开了花。我从这看出了吉兆[jízhào]。 因为一般兰花开花的机会不多,这是很难得的事情。尤其是它开了春节早上。这给我有感觉今年在她家会有好运。 ♣点击照片的话,可以放大照片./它会扩大.♣点击照片时,照片就会放大..♣

Feb. 13, 2013

모두 안녕하세요? 오늘은 아래 세장의 사진으로 중국어/영어로 설명하여 중국어/영어 표현법 을 연습 해 볼까 합니다. 여러분의 많이 조언 부탁합니다. 번째 사진:
이것은 친구가 내 핸드폰에 보내준 사진이다. 그 친구는 중국 옌타이에 살고 있는데, 그곳에 산 지 벌써 무척 오랜 시간이 지났다. 그 친구 아파트는 해변가에 있어서 거실창을 통해서 해변과 바다를 볼 수 있어 가슴이 시원해진다. 이건 며칠 전에 보내 준 사진인데, 그날은 바람이 무척 심해 파도의 하얀 포말이 일어나는 것을 볼 수 있다.
두 번째 사진:
이건 아들이 어제 내 핸드폰에 보내준 것이다. 어제 학교 선배와 등산을 가서 산에서 찍은 것이다. 겨울산에 흰눈이 있어 아름답고 바람이 없어 햇살이 따스하여 등산하기에 정말 좋은 날씨였다고 한다.
세 번째 사진:
이것은 친구가 설날 내게 보낸 사진이다。친구말에 의하면 난초가 설날에 피었다고 하니, 왠지 길조라고 여겨진다. 난초는 꽃을 자주 피우지 않아서 이렇게 꽃을 피우기가 쉽지 않은 일인데, 더군다나 설날 아침에 피었다니, 왠지 올해 그 친구 집안에 좋은 일이 생길 것 같은 예감이 든다.

April 13, 2013

"white bubbling form" should be "white bubbling foam".

"He took this picture with his senior yesterday".

It's not clear who senior means here?

Hope this helps.

April 13, 2013

Thank you very muc neofight78! ^.^/

"He took this picture with his senior yesterday"
.--> My son's school senior ? Is is OK?


Korean audio=>

April 14, 2013

Ah ok. I think school senior is an American term, which I'm not sure I know what it means. Perhaps it is all correct and intelligible to an American, I don't know. Hopefully someone from the US can enlighten me!

April 14, 2013

Ah ok. I think school senior is an American term, which I'm not sure I know what it means. Perhaps it is all correct and intelligible to an American, I don't know. Hopefully someone from the US can enlighten me!

April 14, 2013

Ah ok. I think school senior is an American term, which I'm not sure I know what it means. Perhaps it is all correct and intelligible to an American, I don't know. Hopefully someone from the US can enlighten me!

April 14, 2013

Ah ok. I think school senior is an American term, which I'm not sure I know what it means. Perhaps it is all correct and intelligible to an American, I don't know. Hopefully someone from the US can enlighten me!


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