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English Audio Request

135 Words / 1 Recordings / 1 Comments
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Thanks for reading. If you find my mistakes please let me know. Thanks again!

(August 22,2012)<Three pictures of today. :Doggie Language, A Road in the Rainning Morning, Last Summer Vocation/>
Hi~~ Everyone, how are you all?
It`s raining, as well.
Right now I`m attaching two pictures.
The first one is a picture which my friend sent to me by his phone. He sent it today, early in the morning while he was on his way to work./he is going to work ./
As his words, it`s a picture of a clear road in the rainning morning.
The second picture which my son sent to me with his cell-phone yesterday evening, was a dog's language.
What do you think about their (dogs`languge)?
The third picture, is a picture I took today which is of a classroom.
They are drawing pictures of the best good time during the last summer vocation.



Aug. 27, 2012

모두 안녕하세요?
오늘도 여전히 비가 오네요.
지금 사진 석 장을 올립니다.

첫 번째 사진은 친구가 오늘 이른 아침 출근길에 스마트 폰으로 보내준 건데,
비오는 아침의 깨끗한 도로라고 하네요.

그리고 두 번째 사진은 아들이 어제 저녁에 핸드폰으로 보내 준 건데,
개들의 언어랍니다.
여러분은 어떻게 생각하세요?

세 번재는 오늘 아침 교실에서 찍은 겁니다.
아이들이 지난 여름 방학 중 가장 재미있었는 일을 그리고 있답니다


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