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English Audio Request

414 Words / 2 Recordings / 4 Comments
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○(Apr 14th 2012 22:09)Two kinds of topic (Lunch and spring flowers
The weather was really fine today.
(Today, the weather was really wondeful and beautiful!)

The sun was warm and shining, and soft and gentle breeze was blowing,( Under the warm sunshine, there`s a soft and gentle breeze,)
and even more there were cute spring flowers, all of these lured people to go out of their homes.

(=The brightly shinning sun, gentle breeze and beautiful spring flowers makes people want to go outside.)

This time, I’ll touch on two topics.

The first)
Today, my husband’s brother and sister-in-law brought us to eat roasted ribs and dolsot rice for lunch. (=Today noon my brother-in-law and his wife bought lunch, so we ate roasted ribs and dolsot rice with my husband.)

Wow, there were really many customers at that restaurant.
(=Wow, there were a lot of customers at the restaurant.)

There was almost no space left for people to eat, and there was also a long queue waiting to be seated. (= There were almost no vacant seats and even more many persons were waiting.)

I think the reason for the restaurant’s good business is because of the good prices and taste of the food, as well as the good services by the restaurant employees.

It seemed to me that most of the customers came for family or friend gatherings.

The second)
On the way home, I went to a primary school near my house with Betty and Zzang-ah.

Because today is a holiday, there was virtually no one other than two people who were practicing how to ride a bycicle at the school’s large playground.
(Today is a holyday, there`s nobody except for just two persons who are practicing riding the bicycle at the large school playground.)

As such, I didn’t care much about the people around me and unleashed Betty and Zzang-ah’s dog leash so that they can play around freely.
(=Therefore I didn`t need to care/mind the other persons, so I removed Betty and Zzang-ah`s leashes (= “I released Betty and Zzang-ah from their leashes), and let them play freely.)

Betty and Zzang-ah were really excited and ran around the whole playground freely.

As they were running freely, I took some pictures of the beautiful spring flowers with my phone camera.

Under the warm sunshine, along with the soft and gentle spring breeze, the red, yellow, orange, and all other kinds of colored flowers swayed in the breeze.
Can you feel that breeze?


  • ○(Apr 14th 2012 22:09 )Two kinds of topic (Lunch and spring flowers) ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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April 15, 2012

-(2012.4.14)점심 식사와 봄꽃들
오늘 날씨가 정말 좋습니다.
따스한 햇살이 있고, 부드러운 미풍에, 예쁜 봄꽃이 있으니,
이 모든 것들이 사람들을 밖으로 불러 내고 있습니다.
오늘은 두 가지 일에 대해 말하겠습니다.

첫 째)
오늘 남편의 형과 형수님께서 점심을 청해서 갈비구이와 돌솥밥을 먹었습니다.
그 식당에는 정말 손님이 많았습니다.
거의 빈 자리기 없을뿐더러 대기 하는 손님도 무척 많았습니다.
이 식당이 이렇게 영업이 잘 되는 이유는 가격이 싸고, 음식 맛이 좋으며, 서비스 태도가 친절하고 섬세하기 때문입듯합니다.
대부분의 손님들의 가족이거나 친척 친구들의 단체 모임인듯 합니다.

둘 째)
집에 오는 길에 베티와 짱아를 데리고 집 앞 초등학교 운동장에 갔습니다.。
오늘이 휴일이라 학교 운종장에는 자전거 연습하는 두 명외에는 아무도 없었습니다.
그래서 다른 사람의 신경을 쓸 필요 없이 마음 놓고 베티와 짱아의 목줄을 풀어 주었습니다.
그러니 베티와 짱아는 신이 나서 어쩔 줄을 몰라 운동장을 이리저리 펄펄 뛰어다녔습니다.
베티와 짱아가 놀 동안 나는 핸드폰으로 예쁜 봄꽃과 봄 바람을 찍어 보았습니다.

따사로운 봄햇살 아래 부드러운 바람이 조용조용 불어 오니
빨갛고 노랗고 주황색의 각양각색의 꽃들이 살랑살랑 움직입니다.
여러분도 이 봄바람이 보이십니까?

April 15, 2012



回家的路上,我带着betty和Zzang-ah 去小学的运动场。
因为今天不上学 休日 学校的运动场里除了练习起自行车的 两个人一个人也没有。
所以我不用担心别人的目光放心地撒 [sā]了betty和Zzang-ah的 线。
(=所以我不用担心比人的目光,放心地 让betty和zzang ah自己玩。 )

阳光暖洋洋的,和煦[ héxù ]的 微风习习吹来,红的黄的白的橘黄的各种颜色的花都点点微微拂动wēiwēi fúdòng。


April 26, 2012

Thank you, banananaman! o^.^o

Thank you, RyomaPiano! ~^o^~


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