Male voice prefered. The character is a man. Slow but natural speed, please. Many thanks
Hi Mike, this is Tyler the Creator, Thank you for having me on ‘Radio Move’ ! I have been on tour for my latest album called ‘Madness’, and honestly it has been a great experience.
The tour is called ‘Madness Tour’ and I have performed in several continents, North and South America, Europe and Asia, and erm… let me tell you it was CRAZY, yo !
So, first of all, I wanted to give my fans a personal experience and make the tour special for everyone. The setlist was actually different in every city. I have started in Miami, and I have sung several exclusive songs like ‘Gang wars’ and ‘Love’. The American part of the tour was great, I have met Cardi B. in New-Orleans and we have been working on a project, we may release a feat together, but we have kept it secret. We have already finished writing the lyrics, though!
Then, I have travelled to London for the European part of the tour, and let me tell you it was the best experience ever. I have met so many people, many rappers and Djs and we have played together, we have written a couple of songs for my next album. It made me feel really excited and inspired to always do better and push the limits of rap and music in general. I have performed in Dublin, what a nice city. There has been several technical problems which made me feel dreadful but everything went back to normal. The Irish audience is GREAT. I have sung some of the top hits like ‘Dollar Bills’ and stuff… a great concert. I have visited the Guiness factory in between the two concerts, it was AWESOME.
Shout out to my Australian fans, I know I have not performed in Australia YET, but I'm working on it.
Anyway, I really think that music makes people get together and rap music is on the way to make people become more creative and express their feelings. I’d like to thank my producer, Tom Harris and all the fans who have given me their support, thank you to y’all listening.
Thanks Mike, I’ll see you all very soon, guys, peace !