I would like to have an audio file of the next minimal pairs, spoken in European Portuguese. I'll use it for making some flashcards, in order to get used to the sounds.
Thanks in advance!
Torta, porta
Folha, rolha
Galo, galho
Faca, vaca
Bola, mola
Quadro, quatro
Pala, bala
Selo, zelo
Calo, galo
Chato, jacto
Rato, lato
Bolo, bola
Sé, sê
Mar, bar
Mala, bala
Cabelo, camelo
Filha, pilha
Rosa, roda
Bomba, pomba
Queixo, queijo
Vela, velha
Galo, galho
Careta, carreta
Bico, beco
Seco, soco
Toca, touca
Para, pára
Por, pôr
De, dê
Fá, fã
Vem, vêm, vêem
falaram, falarão
venderam, venderão
I speak Brazilian Portuguese, but regarding just single words, it makes no difference.
Sé - It means cathedral, in Brazil we never use, in Portugal maybe
sê - it does not come with any stress mark, unless it refers to an informal abreviation of Senhor, but the word itself does not exist.
The words below do not have any difference in pronounciation. You must stick the context to identify which is what.
Para, pára
Por, pôr
De, dê
Vem, vêm