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English Audio Request

220 Words / 2 Recordings / 3 Comments
Note to recorder:

It's for studying words. Please, make a pause after every part to give me a possibility to answer before you tell me the answer. Comments would be good too. Thank you very much!!!

too attractive, or too powerful or convincing to be resisted


marked with or having stripes


believe in and follow the practices of

to adhere = to stick; ex: I'll stick with my decision.

an animal, esp. a large or dangerous four-footed one

a beast; ex: a wild beast

publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief)

to preach

a proverb about trust

trust but verify

to form a conjecture about a subject, think deeply before making a decision or reaching a conclusion

to speculate = to meditate = to contemplate = to ponder = to think over = to reflect

used to introduce a statement it contrast to something

however; ex: However, I would argue otherwise.

in a different way


strong enough
sturdy; ex: a sturdy brunch

for that reason

consequently = and so = therefore

legally acceptable


look attentively at

to consider

used to present factors that are opposed or that support opposing opinions

on the one (or the other) hand

having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties

diligent = industrious = hard-working; ex: He was a diligent student, working day and night.

If you are a diligent employee you deserve...

raise & promotion

a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

an opportunity = a chance



Nov. 12, 2012

sturdy as a branch

Nov. 12, 2012

Thanks a lot!

Nov. 16, 2012

Inna, I figured out what I did wrong on the first recording. I didn't save it as an MP3. Now it works perfectly. I'm using a separate recording device, not the computer. Wishing you all the best!


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