Natural speed please. Please British English accent (it's about finding out differences between American and British English)
I have always dreamt of travelling to Los Angeles. I have been practising my favourite dance moves for years and I hope that now somebody will discover my talent. I suppose there are many young artists in L.A., but my mum said nobody could possibly be as good as I am. So now I’ve decided to finally visit my friend Lucy in San Diego (which is not far from L.A.)! I can sleep in her flat and drive to L.A. for auditions. Lucy is a lorry driver and goes to L.A. regularly – maybe she’ll take me. I would even pay for petrol. There is just one problem – I realised that even if the motorway was empty, the lorry would still be quite slow and the other cars would overtake us because they are faster! Maybe I’ll just rent a normal car, pack my stuff in the car boot and drive to the city centre on my own so that I’ll be there early. If I am lucky, I will have become a new star before lunch! In the evening I could watch a basketball match.
I believe these will be the best holidays ever – even better than being in Germany when they won the football World Cup in 2014.
Thank you very much :)