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English Recordings

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  • My best Friend 2 ( recorded by Figurine ), American

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    My best friend is Edward but everybody calls him Ed. He Is thirteen years old and is in the 8th grade just like me. We really get on together even if we are poles apart. For example he Is funny and charismatic and likes to play pranks. As for me I am rather shy and keep to myself most of the time. We enjoy going to the games on Saturday, going to the mall or going to parties. Sometimes he oversteps the mark and is disrespectful but he is never mean to others. He is a good mate and a reliable friend.

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  • My best Friend ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Queen Elisabeth II ( recorded by asanion47 ), US-California

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    The video is about the life of Queen Elisabeth II. Her full name was Elisabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor.

    She was the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. She was born on the 21st of April 1926 in London.

    She died at 96 years old on September 8th, 2022 in Balmoral - her official residence was in Scotland. As a monarch she reigned for 70 years.
    Charles III became the new King after her death. “God save the King”

    Elisabeth’s parents were King George VI and Queen Elisabeth. As a princess she studied her lesson at home with her sister Margaret.

    She married Prince Philip in 1947. They had four children, Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Edward.

    She was particularly fond of corgis, a breed of dogs from Wales.

    After her father died she became queen on February 6th, 1952 but the coronation ceremony took place on June 2nd at Westminster Abbey.

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  • What's hot ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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