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English Recordings

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  • part 1: apartheid ( recorded by elAmericanoTranquilo ), California

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    A-Under Apartheid Whites and Non- whites had to live in separate residential areas

    B-Under Apartheid Blacks and Whites couldn’t go to the same beach.

    C-Under Apartheid Black South Africans were not allowed to drink at a water
    fountains meant for “ Whites Only”.

    D-Under Apartheid Black and White children couldn’t go to the same schools.

    E-Under Apartheid Blacks weren’t allowed to enter a door meant for “Whites Only”.

    F-Under Apartheid Blacks were not allowed to sit on a bench meant for “Whites Only”.

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  • My trip to London ( recorded by Figurine ), American

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    Hi mom! How are you?

    I just wanted to tell you that I’m having so much fun in London.
    Two days ago, on Monday, I visited Buckingham Palace, but I didn't see the King. I was quite disappointed, but I guess he had important things to do!
    Later on that day, I went shopping on Oxford Street. There are so many shops, it was amazing! I found some cute souvenirs. I bought you a beautiful shirt and a mug.
    After that, around five p.m., I started to feel a little bit tired, so I went to Starbucks and drank a cappuccino. It was delicious!
    Finally, I went to the restaurant near Regent’s Park with my friend Sam. I ate fish and chips for the first time. You would love it!

    Yesterday, I woke up at seven thirty. The weather was good so I decided to go to the London Eye to admire the view over the city. It was magical!
    You know that I love History and the British Royal Family, right? So, in the evening, I visited Westminster Abbey and saw the coronation throne. It was so interesting! In fact, Westminster Abbey is older and more impressive than St Paul’s Cathedral.
    Then, I went to Madame Tussauds. I took a picture with Johnny Depp! I mean, with his wax figure. It was funny and unusual but very expensive. I paid £32!
    In the evening, I took a boat along the River Thames. From the boat, I saw the Gherkin Tower and the Shard. These skyscrapers are very modern. In my opinion, they are a little bizarre… I prefer old buildings like The Houses of Parliament or the National Gallery. They're more beautiful!

    Today, I’m going to Camden Town.

    Bye! See you next week. I love you!

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  • introduce myself ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Rona ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Louisiana ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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    Louisiana is an American state known for its scary legends. The Myrtles Plantation, located in St. Francisville, is known as the most haunted home in America.
    From 1796 to 1834, many families lived on the Myrtles Plantation along with servants and slaves. Today, tourists can visit this plantation at their own risk. Indeed, some people who visited the plantation and took photos noticed that the place was still inhabited by the ghost of a little girl. One day, a teacher and her students visited the plantation during a school field trip and they took a picture in the courtyard. In the picture, if you look in the window behind them, is a little girl. She has become known as the Ghost Girl of the plantation.


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