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English Recordings

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  • Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion. ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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  • Who's the culprit? ( recorded by Figurine ), American

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    Okay, who’s the guilty one? Let’s see…what do we know? According to Mrs. Peacock’s statement, she was in her bedroom after having a bath and was looking for her diamond bracelet in order to impress Colonel Mustard that night. But when she opened her drawer, she realized her diamonds were gone! She believes Miss Scarlet is guilty because the young actress is broke and needs the money!

    According to Colonel Mustard, at 8 pm he was smoking his pipe on the balcony in his bedroom. He was waiting for dinner to be served. At 8 o’clock, he saw a man walking by Mrs. Peacock’s bedroom. The man he saw is Mr. Green and he believes him to be the culprit as he despises her for being so rich!

    Miss Scarlet told me she was watching TV in her bedroom at 8 pm. She assured me she saw Professor Plum walking by Mrs. Peacock’s bedroom. She believes he is the culprit because he needs money to pay off his gambling debts.

    Now, Mrs. White…what was she doing? Oh yes, she was alone in the kitchen finishing making dinner and setting the table in the dining room. According to her, Mrs. Peacock isn’t that rich anymore. She'll have to sell the castle soon and Mrs. White thinks she planned the robbery herself in order to get the money from the insurance.

    Who do I have left? Oh yes, Mr. Green. So, he said he went to see Mrs. Peacock to have her sign some papers regarding the selling of a property. He was knocking on her door when he heard her screaming. Mrs. Peacock has confirmed his statement.

    Oh yes, and finally Professor Plum who apparently went into the garden. He was reading a novel by the roses at 8pm. This has been confirmed by Mrs. White who saw him going down as she was setting the table.

    Oh, it’s easy. I know who the culprit is. But how about you, do you know?

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  • The investigation ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Good morning everyone. I’m the detective in charge of investigating the robbery of Mrs. Peacock’s diamonds.
    This is what we know.
    It was a quarter past eight. Everything was quiet at the castle. Mrs. Peacock was in her bathroom, admiring her magnificent diamonds. Professor Plum and Miss Scarlet were playing cards in the living room. As usual, Professor Plum was flirting with the beautiful actress, but she was looking out the window towards the garden. Colonel Mustard and Mr. Green were in the garden, talking to each other. Colonel Mustard was calm, smoking a cigarette, but Mr. Green was crying. Meanwhile, Mrs. White was preparing dinner in the kitchen. It was her birthday, but there were no gifts for her. The poor servant despised her cruel mistress, Mrs Peacock. At nine o'clock, Mrs. Peacock was taking a bath in her luxurious bathroom. Suddenly, the power went out! She got out of the bathtub and entered her bedroom. Then she let out a cry of horror: "My diamonds! My diamonds have been stolen! Call the police!"

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  • Six people are at the castle – who are they? ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Six people are at the castle – who are they?

    1. This person has worked for Mrs Peacock for 40 years now. She lives here at the castle but in a really tiny bedroom by the kitchen.
    2. This person is quite short, wears glasses and always dresses with a bow. He likes gambling and unfortunately, he tends to play more money than he actually has!
    3. This person loves drawing and painting. She used to live in the castle with her husband but since he died, she has lived alone with her maid. She is very wealthy.
    4. This person is young and pretty. She would like to work as an actress, but she can’t find a job at the moment. Consequently, she is rather broke.
    5. This person is well-known in the business world. He represents incredibly rich people. He is well off himself since he owns 3 houses and even a yacht!
    6. This person has white hair, a beard, and a moustache. He used to work in the army but he has been retired for 10 years now. He is secretly in love with Mrs. Peacock.

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