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English Recordings

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  • Watsan Europe Structure ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    Welcome to Watsan Europe ! We’re so happy to have you among us. We really needed someone to help us with different administrative tasks here. As Administrative and Accounting Assistant, your office will be with Zoe and Martin. It might not be the most practical for your work but it will be the most comfortable for you.

    But let me explain to you what the Administration department looks like. It’s divided into two major sectors. On the one hand, you’ve got Human Resources. That section is headed by Michel Duong and he supervises three people. We have Christine Hoffmann who takes care of Career and Training. She works closely with the Recruitment assistant Valérie Hour. Her name is spelt H-O-U-R. So pronunciation varies whether you’re French or English I suppose. And there’s also Elena Travic, as HR assistant, who’s with us only part-time as she follows a sandwich course at university to graduate with a Bachelors in HR.

    The other Admnistration sector is Finance and Accounting. I am in charge of the whole department but I take care of Finance in particular. I often work with Samia Taillet, the Chief Accountant. As we are working with most of Europe, we have important needs in accounting. We have one accountant in charge of receivables – that’s Martin Locatelli; another one taking care of Payroll – that’s Zoe Bilal and finally we have Maya Roux. She is responsible for payables and also helps me out with financial reporting.

    Because we need help both in Accounting and HR as you know, you will have an unusual position in between those two sectors. You will answer to me as well as to Michel. I hope you find your way in this organization. We will try to make it as easy as possible for you!

  • Watsan Europe Structure ( recorded by aberterry1 ), American neutral-west coast

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  • Presentation ( recorded by Finbar ), British English (London)

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    Good evening, Mileyn here!

    Today, I would like to share with you my personal story about how I learnt to drive.____
    How many of you feel or have felt a fear of driving?
    I never needed to know how to drive.
    I grew up in a laid back, small town where most people enjoy walking to do errands and where public transport is effective and affordable for everyone.

    On top of that there are a few grocery stores per block and my house is near the park, hospital and mall.

    In other words, why do I need to know how to drive, right?

    Ok, here is why....

    In 2020, I signed up to work as an au pair in the US.

    Some families required the AuPair to have good driving skills.
    So before I moved, I took driving lessons in my home country.

    On a summer day when I was in my lesson, the car's air conditioner wasn’t working ………I FELL ASLEEP for two seconds WHILE DRIVING.

    My instructor almost had a heart attack.
    He screamed very loudly! WAKE UP!!!
    Yes, he interrupted my dream. / I am just teasing /

    I saw myself as a really, really, really bad apprentice
    and I doubted I would if one day be able to drive without company.

    After my instructor’s scream, I was literally shaking.
    In every lesson, I used to tighten my muscles so much that my shoulders, back, hands, feet, legs, and arms used to be sore.
    You know the same ache a person has the day after working out for at least two hours. Well, that pain!
    I used to panic when other cars were too close to mine.
    I remember my hands and feet were frozen like ice and I was sweating all the time.

    Well, after 8 lessons I did improve a lot,
    I mean I wasn’t driving confidently but somehow I got my Colombian driver's license.

    I did not have many chances to practice driving until I was placed with my host family in Virginia where I NEEDED to DRIVE THE BOYS TO SCHOOL.


    Once, while practicing driving with my host father, I almost crossed a STOP signal.
    He Screamed STOOOOOP
    of course. If I were him, I would scream too.

    I did not have enough words to express how bad I was feeling.
    I apologized and isolated myself for the next couple of days.


    I had prepared and dreamt about living abroad
    I had a huge desire to live my AMERICAN dream.

    So one week later after I had cried a few rivers,
    I started practicing on my own.
    I began practicing going forth and back to the Walgreens parking lot which was four blocks away. I dreaded it.
    I read the DMV manual and did many online quizzes about the rules. (Of course in English which was an additional challenge for me as a new comer.)
    I learned the route to the school by memory.
    And a month later I got a Virginia driver's license.
    Later on I started driving on the freeways
    I was relieved because I was finally doing all my work.
    And I felt very happy to be able to go places by myself while being a responsible driver.

    By telling you my story I aim to encourage you. Next time when you feel scared of learning something new whether it is driving in a foreign country, learning an new language or taking on new job responsibilities when you don’t have the experience, please remember that even though it is difficult at first, all you need is to be patient, trust in yourself and practice.
    Anything you take on, I am certain you can do it.

    Thank you!!!

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  • PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ( recorded by broom ), British (North-West England)

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  • Personality Adjectives ( recorded by broom ), British (North-West England)

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  • American English Speaker Please 4 (Standard if I may) ( recorded by MintsJams ), American (slightly southern)

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  • American English Speaker Please 4 (Standard if I may) ( recorded by jokeeffe ), American (Northeast)

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