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English Recordings

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  • At the zoo ( recorded by Hans_Wong ), Hong Kong International School

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  • At the zoo ( recorded by transnomadic ), American (Northwest)

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    One of Kate’s favourite places is her local zoo. It is not a big zoo, with just a few kinds of animals in it. The animals do not live in cages, but in specially built environments. There is even an ice machine in the polar bear’s environment to keep his swimming pool and cave really cold.

    Kate especially enjoys watching the chimpanzees, which live in an environment with trees, caves, rocks and a small lake. There are about 15 chimps, including four babies. The babies are carried everywhere by their mothers.

    Kate also likes watching the birds in the aviary. An aviary is a small area of forest enclosed by wire netting. The birds can fly about and build their nests in the trees. Many of the birds are very beautiful. Some, like the pelicans, are funny to look at.

    The zoo needs money because the animals are expensive to feed. Kate has “adopted” a small monkey. Every month she sends the zoo 5 pounds for the monkey’s food. Kate wanted to adopt a tiger but she did not have enough money. Tigers eat a lot of meat, which is expensive. Fortunately nuts and fruit are cheap.

    [Note: This was recorded using the British Received Pronunciation (RP)]

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  • A dialogue ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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    Mark: Hi, Jack, how've you been?

    Jack: Not very well.

    Mark: Why? Looks like you're feeling really down! What happened?

    Jack: Nothing.

    Mark: Come on. When someone's feeling so down, it's usually because of one of two things: either their career is going downhill, or they have a broken heart. Since you're already so successful, it must be the other.

    Jack: Well, you're right. I just broke up with Jane.

    Mark: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you two were made for each other.

    Jack: Well, you never know. I'm ready for a commitment and I want to settle down, but she says she wants to pursue her career while she's still young.

    Mark: Well, you can't blame her. It's always difficult to choose between career and family.

    Jack: Maybe you're right.

    Mark: Jack, I don't know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There's plenty of fish in the sea and you'll find your soul mate, your perfect match!

    Jack: Yeah, but it's hard to forget her just like that. You know, we were together for almost five years. It's really hard...

  • A dialogue ( recorded by Dulcinea79 ), Midwest

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  • MI HOUSE IS RED ( recorded by pieces ), US

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