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English Recordings

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  • Pronunciation Poem ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    Here is some pronunciation.
    Ration never rhymes with nation,
    Say prefer, but preferable,
    Comfortable and vegetable.
    "B" must not be heard in doubt,
    Debt and dumb both leave it out.
    In the words psychology,
    Psychic and psychiatry,
    You must never sound the "p".
    Psychiatrist you call the man
    Who cures the complex, if he can.
    In architect, "ch" is "k",
    In arch it is the other way.
    Please remember to say iron
    So that it'll rhyme with lion.
    Advertisers advertise,
    Advertisements will put you wise.
    Time when work is done is leisure,
    Fill it up with useful pleasure.
    Accidental, accident,
    Sound the "g" in ignorant.
    Relative, but a relation,
    Then say creature but creation.
    Say the "a" in a gas quite short,
    Bought remember rhymes with thwart,
    Drought must always rhyme with bout,
    In daughter leave the "gh" out.
    Wear a boot upon your foot,
    Root can never rhyme with soot.
    In muscle, "sc" is "s",
    In muscular, it's "sk", yes!
    Choir must always rhyme with wire,
    That again, will rhyme with liar.
    Then, remember it's address,
    With an accent like possess,
    "G" in sign must silent be,
    In signature, pronounce the "g".
    Please remember, say towards
    Just as if it rhymed with boards.
    Weight's like wait, but not like height,
    Which should always rhyme with might.
    Sew is just the same as so,
    Tie a ribbon in a bow.
    When you meet the queen you bow,
    Which again must rhyme with how.
    In perfect English make a start.
    Learn this little rhyme by heart.

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  • My American High School ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    Hello everyone,

    I’m an American student in 9th grade, so I’m a freshman and my school is in San Francisco.

    First, let’s talk about the cliques. I'd say it is quite difficult to make friends because a lot of students are in groups. There are several groups in my school such as jocks, skaters, cheerleaders, goths, geeks and artists. I’d say the geeks are more serious than jocks but they are as enthusiastic about the things they like as the jocks. The cheerleaders and the jocks are often more popular than the other cliques in my school. The artists are as introverted as the goths but they are more creative. Finally, I think that the skaters are louder and funnier than any other group but they don't think studying is stupid. I love them!

    If I had to define myself, I’d say I’m kind of an artist. Indeed, I like writing stories and illustrating them and I’m part of the choir and of the orchestra. I am also a bit of a geek because I love programming computers and I’m very stressed with exams. Talking about exams, I have 6 elective classes this year: Journalism, Marketing, Personal Finance, Japanese, Painting and Soccer. In the United States, you can choose your classes whereas in France you can’t. I think I’m very lucky!

    This is not the only difference. Unlike French high schools, American high schools organize competitions such as a film festival, a mock trial or a robotics challenge. I'm a candidate for the robotics challenge and I hope my robot is ready to destroy my robot competitors.

    In the United-States, school spirit is more intense than in France. A lot of school events help students to develop and promote school spirit such as the spirit week, pep rallies, homecoming, prom and the graduation ceremony.

    I can't wait to be a senior to attend prom! I would love wearing elegant clothes and dancing with my schoolmates. I'd also love to walk at graduation to collect my diploma, to give a speech and to share this emotional moment with my family and friends. This year the graduation ceremony is on May 20th. Of course I can't participate because I'm a freshman but I'll attend the homecoming game on October 21st.

    Well, I hope you liked my high school presentation and good luck on your exams!


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  • School subjects-Likes and dislikes ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    American English:

    I like school but I don’t like my uniform.
    I hate math because it’s difficult and I have bad grades.
    Physics and history are easy but I don’t like the teachers.
    I have PE and art on Tuesdays. So Tuesday is the best day of the week because I love PE and art.
    I have drama on Wednesdays but I don’t like it.

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  • family and pets ( recorded by cbilyeu ), American - Midwest/Neutral

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    Hi , I'm Kate . I've got 3 sisters . I've got 4 cats and one turtle.

    Hello , My name is Gary. I've got 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I've got 3 hamsters.

    Hi there ! My first name is Daniel. I've got 3 brothers and 6 birds.

    Good morning. I'm Georges. I've got 2 sisters. I've got seven frogs.

    Hello , I'm John . I haven't got any brothers or sisters. I'm an only child but I've got 2 cats and 1 snake.

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