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English Recordings

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  • My Chinese portrait ( recorded by Beeble ), Australian

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  • My Chinese portrait ( recorded by DanielleClara ), Canadian/American

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    Hey guys! This is my Chinese portrait. First, If I were an animal, I would be an eagle because it’s free and independent and I would love to fly. If I were a drink, I would be a cup of coffee, because I cannot survive if I don’t drink coffee in the morning. If I were an instrument, I’d be a piano, because you can play all styles of music on a piano. If I were a monument, I’d be the Statue of Liberty because it’s the symbol of New York and a symbol of freedom. If I were a season, I would be winter, because I love skiing, I usually go to the mountains, and winter is Christmas time. Finally, if I were a moviehmmthat’s a difficult question because I’m a movie addict and there are tons of films that I love. But if I had to choose one film, I would choose Star Wars, by George Lucas, because I love science fiction films and Star Wars was the first movie I saw at the cinema when I was young. That's it! Bye!

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  • Short stories for beginners ( recorded by zhemful ), Canadian (Alberta)

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    The Turtle and the Monkey

    A turtle went to a shop. He said to the shopkeeper, “Please give me some
    peanuts. I want to give them to my children. They are hungry.” The shopkeeper
    took a small bag of peanuts. He gave it to the turtle. The turtle gave him money
    for it. The turtle took the bag. He started to walk to his house. On the way, he
    felt thirsty. He put the bag near the road. Then he went to look for water. A
    monkey was coming down the road. He saw the bag of peanuts. “Ah, what luck
    !” he said. “I shall have lots of peanuts to eat.”
    The monkey picked up the bag. Then he climbed up a tree and began to eat the
    peanuts. The turtle drank some water and came back. But he could not find the
    bag of peanuts. Then he heard a sound, ‘Munch-munch, munch-munch. ‘ He
    looked up and saw a monkey sitting in the tree. He was eating the
    peanuts. “Give me my bag of peanuts,” said the turtle to the monkey. “It is
    mine. I paid money for it.”
    “No,” said the monkey. “I found the bag. So it is mine.”
    “Please give me the bag,” the turtle said again. “My children are hungry and I
    want to give them these peanuts to eat.”
    “I shall not give you the bag,” the monkey said again. “I found it, so it is mine, I
    am going to eat peanuts.” The monkey had a long tail. It was hanging down. The
    turtle caught the tail. He gave it a big bite.
    “OUCH !” the monkey cried loudly. He pulled his tail. But the turtle would not
    let go. The monkey then threw down the bag of peanuts. “Here, take your
    peanuts,” he said. “Let go of my tail now.” The turtle left the monkey’s tail and
    picked up the bag of peanuts. He went home and said, “Children, come and see
    what I have got for you.”
    The children came running. They saw the bag of peanuts and were very happy.
    They all had a good feed of peanuts.


    The Turtle and the Monkey (as a native speaker would tell the story)

    A turtle went to a shop. He told the shopkeeper, “I'd like to buy a bag of peanuts. My children are hungry.” The turtle took the bag and started to walk home. On the way, he got thirsty. He put put down the peanuts and went to look for water. Meanwhile, a
    monkey came by. He saw the bag of peanuts and said, “Ah, what luck!” He picked up the bag and climbed a nearby tree. When the turtle came back, he found that his peanuts had disappeared. Suddenly, he heard a sound overhead: munch-munch, munch-munch. He looked up and saw the money eating the peanuts. "Give me back my peanuts", said the turtle. "No," said the monkey. "I found them, so they're mine." "Please give me the peanuts," the turtle asked again. "My children are hungry." Again, the monkey refused. The turtle noticed that the monkey's long tail was hanging close to the ground. He bit the monkey's tail as hard as he could and did not let go. "OUCH", the monkey cried, and threw down the peanuts. "Here, have your peanuts, just let go of my tail!" The turtle picked up the bag and went home. He showed his children the peanuts and they all ate happily.

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  • God save the King (British National anthem) ( recorded by catkerrfl ), United States

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  • God save the King (British National anthem) ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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  • God save the Queen (British National anthem) ( recorded by Beeble ), Australian

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  • God save the Queen (British National anthem) ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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