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English Recordings

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  • rapid_ refer_ shortcomings_ solemnity ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Show and Tell Hockey stick ( recorded by pieces ), US

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    Today for show and tell, I brought a hockey stick that I’ve had for 10 years. It’s meaningful to me because my parents gave it to me on my 16th birthday. It was the best birthday present ever because hockey is my favourite sport and I have played it since I was 7.

    It’s yellow and black and made of carbon fibre so it’s quite light and very flexible. It’s really cool and I love playing with it.
    I generally play hockey twice a week, and I sometimes have a match on Saturday afternoons.

    Also, I like to watch NHL games on TV with my brother. NHL stands for National Hockey League and it’s the main professional hockey league in North America. Hockey is very popular here in the US. My favourite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins. They won the Stanley Cup in 2017.

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  • Read CLEARLY ( recorded by DanielleClara ), Canadian/American

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    Interesting Facts:
    There are about 7000 languages in the world.
    Most languages of the world have no written form.
    The Holy Quran is available in more than 100 languages.
    One language dies about every fourteen days.
    Deaf people use sign language to communicate.

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  • Phrasal verb "pick on" ( recorded by radarsada ), General American

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    Older children often pick on younger ones.
    The parents picked out the name for their newborn baby.
    My cousin picked up some Italian after his three month stay in Italy
    The bus stopped to pick up two passengers.
    The children were picking at the food on their plates.
    We walked along the beach picking up pebbles and shells.
    He went there to pick up some information.
    I pick up my daughter from school.
    Jenny is always picking on me.
    He picked out the best for himself.

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  • Jack Johnson's biography ( recorded by SeattleKat ), American - West Coast

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    Jack Johnson is an American singer, a professional surfer and an environmental activist.
    He was born in Hawaii in 1975.

    He became a singer after a surfing accident that almost killed him when he was 17 years old. To pass the time as he recovered in hospital and at home, he played the guitar for hours and hours, and he started singing. He composed his first album in 2001. He started giving concerts in small coffee shops but he says that he had never dreamt of becoming a famous singer.

    Since 2001, he has sold 25 million records and he has made 7 albums. His music genre is soft, acoustic rock; he says that his inspiration comes from singers like Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix or Ben Harper.

    Jack Johnson is the exact opposite of a rock star: he is quiet, humble, and not interested in being a celebrity. For him, being a singer is not about “sex, drugs and rock’n roll”. The three things that he enjoys most in life are: spending time with his family, playing music with his friends on the beach, and surfing the local Hawaiian waves.

    Jack always wears the same uniform, on the beach or on stage: a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. Hawaii is Jack’s home, the place where he finds peace and inspiration.
    In 2000, Jack Johnson got married to Kim, his college girlfriend. They have three children, two boys and a girl. Jack says that the secrets to his success are: surfing, and his wife.

    Today, Kim is Jack’s manager and together, they have created a foundation to support environmental education. Jack is particularly concerned with the plastic problem facing Hawaii: because of the ocean currents, local beaches have become littered with garbage from all over the world. Jack has composed songs about the environment for children, like for example “The 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”.
    He says the most difficult thing for him is to balance his life as an artist, an environmental activist and a father.

    Some of his most famous songs are: Good People, Better Together, or Upside Down.
    In 2006, he interpreted the song “We’re gonna be friends” but he didn’t compose it; it was written by an American rock band called “The White Stripes”.

  • Jack Johnson's biography ( recorded by earthsophagus ), Generic U. S.

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  • Extract 1 - 2 ( recorded by Sandrahmai ), American (Houston, Texas)

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    - Yes, of course. After I finished university, I took a job with a big high street chain - I was an assistant manager. Every week, you would see the sales figures for your product and then act on that by placing repeat orders or putting a new style in. It was a good grounding. However, most of the staff had been there for years and I think I did make mistakes in my dealings with them - I blush now to think of my time there. I then moved on after five years to my present job.

    - I would eventually like to be in senior management.

    (speak "clearly")

  • Extract 1 - 2 ( recorded by earthsophagus ), Generic U. S.

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  • Sentence: Do you hold yourself accountable for her death or for working with Damien Darhk? ( recorded by limell ), North American

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  • Sentence: Do you hold yourself accountable for her death or for working with Damien Darhk? ( recorded by TomBushaw ), American

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