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English Recordings

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  • My English Textbook 2-3 ( recorded by rocmicm ), American, Northeast

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    Why do people shake hands?
     In very early times, most men carried weapons and used them in their right hands. When a man wanted to make friends with another, he extended an empty right hand.
     Then, each of the two took the other's right hand and held it firmly. Reaching for a weapon was impossible.
     Next, they tried to remove any weapon in each other's sleeve. So they shook their hands up and down. After they finished shaking hands, they became real friends.

  • My English Textbook 2-3 ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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  • My English Textbook 2-2 ( recorded by rocmicm ), American, Northeast

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    Why do women's clothes have buttons on the left?
     Most people are right-handed. They can fasten buttons easily if they are on the right. So men's clothes have them on that side. But what about women's clothes?
     In the past, buttons were expensive. Only rich people wore them. Women in that class usually didn't dress themselves and needed help. Their helpers had to face them.
     Therefore, dressmakers began to put buttons on the helper's right. So buttons are on the left side of women's clothes even today.

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  • What I wish I knew before going to college *from a college senior* ( recorded by Reb_103 ), chilean, usa

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    What’s up you guys. It’s Hannah. Welcome back to my channel and welcome to my floor that I’m sitting on right now because I wanted a change of scenery cuz I sat down to film this on my bed but, like, it just… the background looks so dark, and I don’t know I wasn’t really a fan of it. So, now I’m sitting on the floor. Today is Thursday. This is my last day of actual classes. So tomorrow we have a study day which is… it’s Friday. So, I don’t really know no one’s gonna study on a Friday. But on Monday, I have a final presentation. On Tuesday, I have a final and then on Wednesday, I have a final and then I’m done with my junior year of college, which is blowing my mind. Thinking about that makes me want to throw up a little bit but that’s also another reason like why I wanted to make this video. I haven’t even said what this video is, but you probably read the title. Today I want to talk about some things that I wish I knew before going to college. So, like I said, I am about to be a senior in college if you are new here. Hi, I’m Hannah. I finished my junior year in less than a week and then I’m onto my senior year.
    [me feeling overwhelmed] [what is going on] [how is this happening] [Where has time gone] [What do I do] [I’m panicking] [wasn’t I 5 years old yesterday]
    And if you can’t tell I’ve been having a bit of an identity crisis about it because once I graduate I’m gonna have to enter the world, uh…and I’ve just been doing school for my entire life, the last 17 or 18 years of my life have been revolved around school and then I won’t have that anymore and I am excited to graduate because that means I won’t have college anymore and college makes you want to cry but also I feel like I’m gonna miss it and I also won’t be able to make college vlogs anymore and that’s kind of my brand and I’m gonna have to completely reinvent myself and I’m gonna have to find a job and I’m gonna have to pay off my student loans. Oh my God. I’m gonna have to move out. Oh my! Where am I gonna move? Where am I going to live?

    But that’s pretty much where I’m at right now. One of the reasons I wanted to film this video is because I’m about to be a senior in college. I have three years under my belt and I’ve learned a hell of a lot and there’s a lot of things that I wish I would have known before I went to college. I just feel like it was not at all what I thought it was going to be. So, I wanted to share just some things I’ve experienced. I’m gonna try and keep this not really freaking long because I could probably come with a very long list of things. So if by the end of this video you guys want me to make like a part 2 or something to this, I would be more than happy to do that because I feel like I have quite a lot to say cuz I’ve definitely not had the traditional college experience by any stretch of the imagination. I just wanna talk and if any of you relate to any of this, great but these are just some things that I wish somebody would have told me. I have kind of texted myself some bullet points over the past couple of days because I’ve been thinking about this. Whenever I think of an idea, I literally have to write it down immediately or I will forget it. So, I’m just gonna begin with some things that I wish I knew about college before going to college.

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  • Scotland 1 ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • fingerprints ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • Irish mythical creatures ( recorded by AnjaliAngel ), American west

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    Hello and welcome to Ghost Story online.
    Last week you voted to nominate the three spookiest creatures in Ireland. So let's discover. who they are.
    Number 3 is the Puca. This creature, which is believed to live in the mountains and hills of Ireland, is said to have different appearances. But most of the time, a Puca is represented as a black horse with fiery golden eyes. It is considered to bring both good and bad fortune. At times it is said to help farmers, while at other times it leads them to destruction by lying and playing tricks on them.
    Number 2 is the banshees. It is said that Banshees are terrifying and uncanny. They are often described as either ugly old ladies or beautiful young women with long disheveled hair. It is believed that people who can hear their screams will have an imminent death in their family. They usually live near cemeteries.
    Number 1 is the Dullahan. This wild horseman is sometimes seen or heard galloping in the darkest nights. It is usually said to be a man who is carrying his own head under his arm
    His mouth is often described as smiling hideously and his eyes are constantly moving. On his horse, he uses a whip which is made of a human spine. It is believed that when he stops riding, someone will soon die.


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