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English Recordings

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  • Essay correction ( recorded by Cailey ), Northern English

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    You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

    Missions to explore space are hugely expensive, and there are problems on Earth which demand attention. The number of these missions needs to be reduced.

    Do you agree or disagree?

    Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

    You should write at least 250 words

    The cost on learning the celestial body and phenomena are too high. It is often considered of great value and the government pay out large sum of money for this study. However, as far as I am concerned, the government needs to focus more into diminishing the level of poverty and reducing the number of natural catastrophes in the world.

    Firstly, poverty is the root cause of increased crime rates in countries. It is necessary to eradicate this issue in order to obtain a harmony in the nations. Most of the time, people become criminals to meet their requirements and end up committing crimes. Thus, establishing various policies on poor people by the government needs to be emphasised, and this will enable them to meet their daily needs. To illustrate this, in India, the Aganawadi schemes approved by the authorities deliver essential needs such as rice, pulses, oil, and flours specifically to poor people, to help them to get their daily requirements.

    Secondly, natural disasters cause much adversity each year. Owing to this, many suffer from huge loss of properties and their loved ones. So, it is mandatory for the government to take the crucial steps like building proper damp to prevent flood, imposing high taxes on cars to prevent air pollution and conducting meetings to create more awareness on environmental crisis. A recent study done by environmentalists has found that by 2050, if global warming keeps rising, the icebergs will melt down completely and floods will occur in every part of the world.

    To sum up, the government should be spending more money on reducing the levels of poverty and natural disasters, those are the most important aspects affecting the lives of people constantly. Nevertheless, exploring Space is also essential but that should not be prioritised.

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  • Intonation in WH questions ( recorded by Arvut ), American-West Coast

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  • Intonation in WH questions ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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  • Intonation in WH questions ( recorded by jestrella ), English (US Midwest / Canada), Tagalog (Manila / Quezon)

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  • Wimpy Kid ( recorded by jestrella ), English (US Midwest / Canada), Tagalog (Manila / Quezon)

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  • Sherlock Holmes interview 2 ( recorded by papadabear ), East Coast American, Latin American Spanish

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  • Sherlock Holmes interview ( recorded by Reb_103 ), chilean, usa

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    A: Are you Edith Baxter?
    B: Yes, I am.
    A: You are Mrs Straker’s maidservant?
    B: Yes.
    A: Tell me, what exactly happened last night?
    B: By 9 o’clock I left the house with Ned’s supper.
    A: Who is Ned?
    B: Ned Hunter. He is one of the three stable boys. He was on guard that night. The two other boys had their meal in the house.
    A: I see. What food did you bring him?
    B: It was a dish of curried mutton. We all had curried mutton for supper that night.
    A: It was already dark at 9 o’clock, I presume.
    B: Pitch dark, but I had a lantern.
    A: And what exactly happened next?
    B: I saw a man approaching me. He called me to stop.
    A: Can you describe the man?
    B: He was young, about 30, I should think, and gentlemanlike. He was dressed in a grey tweed suit. He wore gaiters and carried a heavy stick with a knob to it. He looked nervous.
    A: Had you ever seen the man before?
    B: No never.
    A: And what did he do? Did he say something to you?
    B: He asked me if he was near King’s Pyland, and when I said he was, he asked me to give what looked like a piece of paper he took from his waistcoat pocket to the stable boy.
    A: And what did you do?
    B: I refused, but when I came at the stable window through which I pass the dish to the guard, the man was behind me. I gave Ned the dish and looking behind me I saw the corner of a little paper packet protruding from the man’s left hand.
    A: A paper packet? Any idea what it could have contained?
    B: No idea.
    A: We’ll see to that later. So you didn’t hear what the man said to the boys?
    B: No, I didn’t, but when I walked back I saw him leaning through the window.
    A: That will be all for now. I will need to see you again.

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  • WELCOME BACK ( recorded by jestrella ), English (US Midwest / Canada), Tagalog (Manila / Quezon)

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    ‘Hey, friends! Welcome to another video. If you’re new to this channel, my name’s Kristen Sarah and here’s my husband, Siya. We’re Canadian and we’re travel vloggers. We travel the world in our Airstream: first of all, of course, we travelled in America, across Canada – we drove from Vancouver to Tofino; we also travelled through Asia, in Indonesia, Thailand and India. Last year, we visited Europe: Italy, Poland, Germany and of course France! Our nexttrip will be to Africa.’

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