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  • Karen ( recorded by catkerrfl ), United States

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    She's Karen.
    She lives in New York City (USA). She's 14 years old.
    She spends her free time hanging out with friends and reading comic books. She's a real Marvel expert! her favourite comic book character is Kamala Khan a.k.a Ms Marvel.
    She often goes to museums such as the MoMA (it's a Modern Art Museum). Her favourite artist is Roy Lichtenstein, a pop art painter.

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  • Overpopulation ( recorded by christa1989 ), British

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    Topic: Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagree?

    Model answer:

    Many people claim that moving companies, factories and their employees from cities to the countryside might ameliorate some of the worst traffic and housing issues. I strongly believe that this is a suitable solution for those two particular city problems.

    Moving the facilities of major corporations to the countryside will reduce traffic problems by encouraging more people to live in the countryside for their work. It is widely known that more people live in cities today than ever before and this has caused terrible traffic. For example, in Beijing it is not uncommon for gridlocked motorways to delay motorists for hours. Travelers depend on getting in to Beijing for their livelihood but if their jobs were in the countryside, or a nearby suburb, they could live outside the city and reduce traffic. This would have a major impact on overcrowded cities like Beijing that lose billions of dollars a year because of time wasted in traffic jams, according to recent research.

    Moving factories and employees to the countryside will also help to mitigate housing issues in cities. In many developing countries, the rush of people from the country to the city has necessitated the construction of massive skyscrapers. A lot of these underdeveloped cities such as Mexico City and Lagos do not have a sophisticated infrastructure that includes the efficient plumbing, clean water and trash collection needed to service a concentrated population. By moving jobs and people to the countryside, developing countries will have more time to improve their infrastructure to deal with surging urban populations.

    In conclusion, moving people to the countryside will help to reduce traffic and housing problems, especially in developing countries. If more governments studied this closely and enacted laws to encourage people to move, it would greatly improve the quality of life for everyone living in the city.

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  • Museums (2) ( recorded by cpark44321 ), Californian

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    Topic: Museums and art galleries should focus on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works from other parts of the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample answer 2: Mostly Agree

    There is a natural debate around the issue of whether or not museums should be showcasing works mainly from their own country, or from other countries. Although it is important to learn about other cultures through museums, countries have the right and responsibility to preserve and maintain their own cultural history.

    Proponents of museums showing a variety of works from many different countries rightly argue that people’s lives are enriched through all of these different cultures. For example, Europe is a relatively small area that packs in dozens of distinct national identities. Someone going to a museum in a cosmopolitan city, like Berlin, is likely to find Italian Renaissance paintings next to a modernist Spanish sculpture as well as German works. This allows people to feel they are traveling around the world and taking in a variety of viewpoints. Through this exposure to culture, they may come to better understand other nations and have greater insight into what connects and differentiates countries from each other.

    Despite the clear benefits of learning about other cultures, countries have the right to house the relics of their own history. Many of the museums displaying works from other countries took them without permission. For example, the British Museum’s collection was mainly sourced during the height of the British Empire. Many nations have disputed the right of the museum to house their country’s artifacts and some have been returned. It is only right that countries keep what was made in their country so that they can educate their own people about their history. Anything that has been taken without explicit permission should be returned, just as a thief is required to return what they have stolen if they are caught.

    I think that there is tremendous value in museums displaying works from other countries, but it does not override the basic right of nations to look after their own history. One way forward would be to encourage museums to have frequent exchanges and temporary exhibitions.

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  • Museums (1) ( recorded by Cailey ), Northern English

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    Topic: Museums and art galleries should focus on works that show the history and culture of their own country rather than works of other parts of the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample answer 1: Mostly Disagree

    Many people claim that it is more important for museums to display work from the country where they are located rather than draw from other places around the world. I partly agree that museums are a valuable educational tool to learn about one’s own country but overall museums should aspire to broaden people’s perspective rather than narrow and deepen it.

    Proponents of museums mainly showcasing works from their own country often point out that they help people connect with their country’s culture and history. Children all over the United States learn about American history from their textbooks. They learn about the constitution, the founding fathers, and the various wars of liberation America has fought. However, if they go to a museum to see the actual historical documents from the period this will likely have a more memorable impression. Seeing a famous work of art or historical document up close, they may notice details that were not in their book and feel a more personal connection to their country.

    Although there is a strong argument to be made for museums specialising in this way, I feel it is more important for people to gain a broader view of cultures around the world. Most people cannot afford to travel abroad and even if they do, they are unlikely to deeply experience another culture as a tourist. Museums are a great opportunity for people of all ages to learn about other countries. Someone visiting the British Museum in London will see artifacts from every continent in the world without a plane ticket. Over the years if they keep returning to the museum they will learn more and more.

    Museums will inevitably show a mixture of works from their own country as well as other countries. In my opinion, it is more important for people to take in the breadth of culture from the whole world rather than just their country. If children start from a young age learning about the world they are likely to grow up more tolerant.


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