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English Recordings

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  • Sentence: He didn't see the stop sign and almost hit the child crossing the street. ( recorded by TomBushaw ), American

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  • Tara introduces herself ( recorded by Knottycarla ), Scottish

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    Hi, I'm Tara. My last name is Richard. I'm eleven years old and I live in Manchester, in England. I am in Year 7. I have three big brothers and one little sister.
    I have two cats, one dog and one rabbit.
    I love playing football and my favourite hobby is playing video games. My favourite colour is yellow. My favourite food is pasta.

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  • Sentence: The two skyscrapers are connected by a walkway. ( recorded by TomBushaw ), American

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  • Natural healing sources in Spa Piestany 1 ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    1. Trajan Well
    Story about well history, technical parameters, water composition and pumping method.
    Overall, we have 11 wells, of which 4 are used for client therapy. The oldest, Well Trajan, was drilled in 1921 and modified in 1929. This is a dug well, 11.2 m deep. Named after Adam Trajan (the author of the panegyric poem Saluberrimae Pistinienses thermae dating back to 1642).
    The thermal water rises from tectonic faults from a depth of about 2,000 m. The mineral water temperature is 6769° C. The water mineral content is about 1,500 mg/l, significant hydrosulphide ranges from 5.5 to 7.5 mg/l. It further contains a major portion of calcium and magnesium.
    In addition to the Trajan Well, three wells – Crato, Torkoš and Pro Patria –functioned in a similar manner in the past. Upon the drilling of deep wells (V-1, V-4a), these were no longer justified, fell into disuse and ceased to exist.
    The current modification to the Trajan spring comes from 2001.

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  • The impact of colonisation ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Between 1788, and the 1900s, the Australian Aboriginal population was reduced by 90%.
    First of all, colonisation brought along its lot of diseases which had a horrific impact on the indigenous population. Waves of epidemic diseases, including smallpox, spread and annihilated many Indigenous communities. Governor Phillip reported that smallpox had killed half of the Indigenous people in the Sydney region within fourteen months of the arrival of the First Fleet.
    But diseases were not the only issue that indigenous people had to face. Direct and violent conflicts between settlers and indigenous people had horrific consequences. The settlers wanted the lands, so they massacred or poisoned entire clans to steal their lands.
    From 1869 to the 1960s, one of the most shameful and traumatic episode of Australian history, known as the « Stolen Generation » took place. White people believed that Aboriginal people were deficient and that they needed to be « civilised ». The government forcibly took Aboriginal children from their families to educate them away from aboriginal culture and beliefs.

  • The impact of colonisation ( recorded by MrA ), australian

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  • My favorite TV series ( recorded by johnbnine ), Mid West; No Accent

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  • My favorite TV series ( recorded by Knottycarla ), Scottish

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    I rarely watch TV, since I prefer reading books, but there are a few shows that I enjoy watching. There are three shows that I love the most and they are Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock.
    I started watching Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock all on my own. I look forward to these shows because they have great characters and plots. These series are amazing, and the characters are always remarkably interesting. The main characters are very different, but they all have strong personalities. In my opinion, the directing in Doctor Who is perfect and the acting in Sherlock is so great.
    I think these shows are fantastic because they have mystery, adventure, and monsters or aliens. Not only do these shows provide epic stories, but they also provide lessons in some ways.
    TV shows, whether they're fictional, fantasy, or documentaries, can teach life lessons through the progression of the story, and through character development, just like a book can. You can even sometimes identify to a character.
    Although binge watching isn't really a good thing, I do think that it can have some good effects. For some people, watching a show is like reading a book, it takes them away to another universe and lets them forget about their own problems for a while.


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