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English Recordings

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  • introduction ( recorded by cpark44321 ), Californian

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    Hi, nice to meet you! How are you doing today ?
    My name is Christophe and I’m forty six years old. How old are you?
    I come from North in France but I live in the east, in Burgundy.
    It’s near a city called Dijon / It’s in the South-East of Paris.
    I have been learning English for several months and I think I have made huge progress since I started.
    Now I would like to improve my pronunciation and my spoken English!
    I am married and I have three sons. Two teenagers and one little boy : The oldest is sixteen years old, the second is thirteen, and the youngest is seven.
    What about you ? Do you have any children ?
    I work at a large company as an engineer.
    And you, What do you do for a living?

163 Words / 1 Comments
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  • (D) Three sentences to record. (9/19 writing) ( recorded by extempore ), General American

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  • Stereotypes ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    The danger of stereotypes is that we end up taking action based on them before we find out if the people in front of us really reflect that stereotype. Stereotypes tend to be outdated and rather broad.
    You need to find out exactly what sort of people you are working with and if you look at the cultural curve on this, you will find that the majority of the population will not fit a set of characteristics, a stereotype or a generalisation as we often prefer to say. There will always be people on the edges who will deviate from the general population.
    I think probably the best thing to say is to form a broad generalisation and then go and test it out and keep testing it out because culture is fluid, it changes and with the globalisation of the world and business, people are moving around a great deal more so they may spend periods of time abroad themselves. This may mean they may not be exactly like the broad stereotype at all.

  • Stereotypes ( recorded by MrA ), australian

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  • what is a pyschopath? ( recorded by christa1989 ), British

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    what is a psychopath?
    People often tend to use the term as a synonym for a ‘crazy’ person,
    and the dictionary defines a psychopath as ‘a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour’.
    Generally speaking, psychopaths are confident, charming, egocentric, irresponsible people who exhibit a lack of empathy, generally blame other people for their own problems, and often behave in an anti-social and even violent manner.
    The condition is thought to be genetic, rather than something that develops as a result
    of life experiences.
    So now that we know what one is, what are your chances of meeting one? Well, it can depend on where you work. According to the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute magazine , on Wall Street and within other sectors of the financial industry - especially where enormous amounts of money can be made - an incredible 10% of traders exhibit psychopathic tendencies.
    These ‘financial psychopaths’, as they are sometimes known, often become successful in their fields by exploiting these very traits.
    Fortunately this percentage drops considerably for the the general population: only about 1% exhibit such tendencies, which seems like a very low number … until you realise that for every 100 Facebook friends you have, one of them may be a psychopath!


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