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English Recordings

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  • Ten sentences to record. (11/28 translation) ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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  • Let's cut up the chicken before serving it. ( recorded by anl169 ), unspecified accent

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  • John's daily routine ( recorded by RobertKaucher ), American Midland Dialect Zone

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    I usually wake up at 7 o’clock except on Sundays when I like to sleep in.

    The first thing I do after getting up is take a shower.
    After my shower, I get dressed and
    have breakfast.
    I normally have cereal and milk with a cup of coffee.
    Once I have finished breakfast, I always brush my teeth.
    Most days, I leave the house at quarter to eight and walk to the subway station which is 2 minutes from my flat.
    I usually take the underground because it’s quicker but sometimes I catch the bus.

    From 9 to 5 I work in an office.
    If I’m busy, I have a sandwich at my desk for lunch.
    Otherwise, I go to the nearby coffee shop with a colleague.
    After sitting in front of a computer screen for most of the day, I need to get some exercise.
    So, after work, I always go to the gym.
    In the e
    vening I like to relax by listening to some music with a glass of wine.
    I rarely go out during the week but on Saturdays I often go to the mo
    vies with my girlfriend.

    I usually go to bed at half past 10 but if I’m tired, I go to bed earlier.
    One thing I never do is drink coffee in the evening. It stops me from sleeping.

  • John's daily routine ( recorded by jdavies39 ), American

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  • Buzz Lightyear can't sing ( recorded by mysterycheez ), Western Canadian

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    There is Buzz Lightyear. He has a very cool costume (white, green and purple). He can fly and he can make very tasty gingerbread.
    But Buzz Lightyear has a problem. He can't sing. And he is very sad about it.

    First he goes to Amber.
    "What's your problem, Buzz?", she asks.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?", says Buzz.
    "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I can't sing."

    Next, Buzz goes to Roy.
    "What's your problem, bro?", he asks.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?", says Buzz.
    "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I can't sing either."

    Finally Buzz goes to Minion.
    "What's your problem, Buzz?", asks Minion.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?", says Buzz.
    "Yes, sure."
    Then Minion teaches Buzz to sing. They give a concert together in the Magical Forest.
    Now Buzz is the happiest toy in the world!

  • Buzz Lightyear can't sing ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    There is a toy named Buzz Lightyear. He has a very cool costume (white, green and purple). He can fly and he can make very tasty gingerbread.
    But Buzz Lightyear has a problem. He can't sing, and he is very sad about it.

    First of all he goes to Amber.
    "What's your problem, Buzz?", she asks.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?", says Buzz.
    "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I also can't sing."

    Next, Buzz goes to Roy.
    "What's your problem, bro?", he asks.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?", says Buzz.
    "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I can't sing too."

    Finally Buzz goes to Minion.
    "What's your pro
    blem, Buzz?", asks Minion.
    "I can't sing. Can you help me?" says Buzz.
    "Yes, sure."
    Then Minion teaches Buzz to sing. They give a concert together in the Magical Forest.
    Now Buzz is the happiest toy in the world!

120 Words / 0 Comments
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304 Words / 2 Comments
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