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English Recordings

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  • Speaking 15 ( recorded by kee ), Yorkshire, north of England

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    Part 1

    Do you do any physical exercise?
    Do young people in your country like to do exercise?
    Do you think people are keen at doing physical activity?
    What are the benefits of regular physical exercise for overall health?
    What types of exercises are most effective for improving flexibility?
    How does age impact the type and intensity of recommended exercise?
    How does regular exercise impact sleep quality and duration?

    What do you like most about the environment where you live?
    How is the neighborhood where you live?
    What can be improved in the area you live in?
    Do you know any famous personality in the area where you live?
    Do you intend to live in this area in the future?

    Part 2
    Talk about an apartment or a house you'd like to live in. Please tell me

    - Where it is?
    - What it is like?
    - Why you would like to live in it?

    Part 3
    - Which buildings are more popular in your country?
    - Which cities in your country have the most modern buildings?
    - What kinds of cities have modern buildings?
    - Which do you think is more important for a building, the exterior or the interior facilities?

196 Words / 0 Comments
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  • IMMIGRATION WAVES ( recorded by Scottusa ), unspecified accent

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    The United States was populated gradually / by successive waves of immigration / coming from all over the world./
    Mass immigration started after 1815.
    Between 1815 and 1860, / 5 million people immigrated to the United States,/ they came from Ireland, / the rest of the British Isles , / Germany , /France , / Holland and Switzerland.
    These people left their countries / for a variety of reasons ,/ for example one of the main cause / was political instability or demographic growth, / they also suffered from religious persecutions / and economic difficulties / (famine in Ireland in 1846-1847) / so they decided to flee.
    Between 1860 and 1880,/ 10 million people / mainly from the British Isles and Germany / immigrated to the USA.
    Between 1880 and 1914 , / 15 million immigrants arrived in America. / The etnic background of immigrants / began to change , / they came from Eastern and Southerrn European countries . / Their arrival / met with the hostility of American people / who demanded / that immigration should become selective./
    The first measure aimed at controlling immigration / was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 / which prevented Chinese from settling in America.
    In 1917 , / the Literacy Test / (aimed at checking if immigrants could read) / was implemented./ Then , / there were quota laws / to reduce the numbers of immigrants./
    In 1965 , / the Quota laws were modified./

10 Words / 3 Comments
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