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English Recordings

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  • Thirteen sentences to record. (1/9 translation) ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    1. They stopped to talk for a few minutes.
    2. It came while he was having breakfast.
    3. He was going to the station to catch a train, and he was carrying a bag.
    4. Bernard used to work in the factory.
    5. Did your team win the baseball game yesterday?
    6. How did you get into your apartment?
    7. What time did the mail arrive this morning?
    8. I'm not sure, but I wasn't driving very fast.
    9. We were playing baseball when I hit the ball and broke a window.
    10. When I was a child, I used to like chocolate.
    11. I climbed in through a window.
    12. No, the weather was very bad, so we didn't play.
    13. How fast were you driving when the police stopped you?

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  • New Year's resolutions ( recorded by asanion47 ), US-California

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  • New Year's resolutions ( recorded by JeromeLuepkes ), Australian

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    Hi, it's not unusual for people to make a list of New Year's Resolutions, so I will share mine for this new year.
    I will eat more vegetables and fruit because they're good for your health.
    I won't spend too much time watching series.
    My third resolution is to exercise more, try and go running once a week.
    I'm going to sleep more because I get tired easily and I need my sleep.
    Finally, I will try and phone my parents more regularly.
    I'll try and stick to them !
    What are your resolutions ?

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  • My terrible rules ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    My terrible rules.
    In my bedroom, you mustn't be quiet.
    You can run, jump on my bed, and you can write on the walls.
    You mustn't read. You must watch tv, play video games, or play with my computer.
    You can listen to music, but only hard-rock or rap music. You mustn't listen to classical music, because classical music is very dangerous for your ears.
    You can eat pizza or ice-cream, and you can drink soda; but you mustn't drink water, because water is yucky.
    You can fight and you can use bad language. You mustn't say "hello", or "thank you".
    I'm a terrible kid and I have terrible rules!

  • My terrible rules ( recorded by krinolu ), Ohioan (USA)

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    My terrible rules.
    In my bedroom, you mustn't be quiet.
    You can run, jump on my bed, and you can write on the walls.
    You mustn't read. You must watch T.V., play video games or play with my computer.
    You can listen to music, but only hard-rock or rap music. You mustn't listen to classical music, because classical music is very dangerous for your ears.
    You can eat pizza or ice-cream, and you can drink soda, but you mustn't drink water, because water is yucky.
    You can fight and you can use bad language. You mustn't say "hello", or "thank you".
    I'm a terrible kid and I have terrible rules!

50 Words / 1 Comments
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  • electric maintenance pictionary ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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  • My resolutions 1 ( recorded by lfalls ), unspecified accent

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    Hello, my name is … and here are my resolutions for the new year.
    Last year I was a little self-centered and selfish, so I promise I will be more generous to my relatives.
    I intend to change my food habits because at the moment I eat too many sweets and not enough healthy food. The problem is I only like a few vegetables…
    Anyway, I will do my best!
    What are your resolutions?

32 Words / 0 Comments
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  • Four sentences to record. (12/26 translation) ( recorded by cenlyra ), Midwest American

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