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English Recordings

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  • work placement aepe revision ( recorded by jakoszuta ), Educated. UK English. Southern England.

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148 Words / 1 Comments
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  • I restricted myself to two chocolates a day. ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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  • Fanny talks too much. ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    Fanny talks too much.
    You've bought so many vegetables.
    Try to get as many opinions as you can.
    Quite a number of paintings were sold.
    Nancy spent a good deal of time on the project.
    Don't hurry - we have plenty of time.
    Plenty of people know this politician.
    It was a very good film.
    The church looks very old.
    I always walk very quickly.
    Jane is much better.
    She is far too nice.
    I paid much more than I should.
    There's far less water in the pond than I expected.
    at that very moment
    this is the very thing for me
    those were his very words
    at the very end
    that very girl

127 Words / 2 Comments
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  • policy vs politics ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Meeting at supper they always talked about politics.

    A lot of newspapers write about home and foreign policy of states
    and about recent events in the world.

    I don't know much about her politics, we've never discussed them.

    I hope that all countries will pursue a policy of peace.

    My friend would like to go into politics.

    The policy of our company is to develop international cooperation.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    At the university they study politics, economics, and law.

    I think you should work out your own policy on this question.

    Politics make a serious influence on every person's life,
    but we seldom
    think about them.

    Politics have never interested me.

    She wants to go into politics.

    The nationalisation of industries is not government policy.

100 Words / 0 Comments
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  • working a a volunteer part 3 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    1. It’s a lifetime experience !
    2. I have no financial interest!
    3. It’s not my priority!
    4. It’s a waste of time!
    5. it's a chance to get a taste of new cultures!
    6. You can meet great people!
    7. It’s not my cup of tea!
    8. You can make the world better!
    9. it's a chance to develop new skills and work experience!
    10. I don't have the guts to volunteer abroad!
    11. It’s so Self -Rewarding!
    12. I have other fish to fry!


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