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English Recordings

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  • A motorcycle mechanic ‘s routine part 2 ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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  • a motorcycle mechanic's routine part 1 ( recorded by D4rkD0rk ), Midwestern United States

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  • Taylor talks about a film ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    I saw the film Mulan when I was 6 years old with my mother. It was the first movie I’d ever seen in a movie theater. And I think it came out in 1998. I saw it because I was really into Disney films at the time. And I’d normally really like the princess stories, but I thought this one was a little different. I really love the dragon character. I thought it was very funny. I enjoyed the song Reflection. It was really popular at the time. Christina Aguilera sang that. And it was my first experience in a movie theater, the screen was huge. I was just amazed by it and I really enjoyed the film.

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  • I tried to phone you yesterday afternoon. ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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  • A DAY AT WORK 1 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    Number 1: Emily was an apprentice baker at Fleet River Bakery; she worked from 8am to 5pm

    Number 2: Liam was a security agent in the food department at Marks & Spencer. He worked from Tuesday to Sunday.

    Number 3:Oliver was a trainee mechanic at Steven Motors. He worked for 4 weeks.

    Number 4: Hallie was a care assistant at Blackpool Old People's Home. She worked as an apprentice for 6 weeks.

17 Words / 3 Comments
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  • Guess who? ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    His nickname was the "King of Pop". He was an American singer. He was born on August 29th, 1958. He started his career in 1969 with his brothers. In 1983, he sang "Thriller" and it was a success. He had a lot of talents: he sang, wrote songs, played music and he danced very well. He created the Moonwalk. In 1994, he married Lisa Mary Presley but they divorced in 1996. He died on June 25th, 2009. Who was he?


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