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English Recordings

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  • News story ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Describe a recent news story that you have read or heard about
    What is it about?
    When and where did you read/hear about it?
    What effect did it have on you?

    Student: That’s a good question for me because I am fascinated by current affairs. The news story I would like to talk about is the Hudson Plane Crash. This event occurred in America a few years ago. Because of the internet and 24-hour rolling news I think I heard about this news story within minutes of it happening. A plane took off in New York but shortly after take-off there was a bird strike and both engines were taken out. The pilot then had to make an agonising decision – to try and return to the airport or to try and land the plane. The only possible place he could see to land the plane was on the Hudson River. I remember a previous occasion when a plane which had been hijacked by terrorists landed on water and all the people on board were killed. On this occasion, however, the pilot successfully landed the plane in the river. Miraculously all the people on board got off the plane uninjured. The pilot is an absolute hero. Before he got off the plane he walked up and down it to check that nobody was left on board. Before I heard about this story I was a nervous flyer, unfortunately this incident has not eased my nerves; in actual fact it has made my fear of flying worse. If I had been on the plane, I would have been terrified at the thought of losing my life and never seeing my family again. So as a result of this news story, I doubt I will be flying again in the near future.

    Examiner: We have been talking about a recent news story and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    DESCRIBE how the internet has changed the way we get news

    Student: The internet has radically changed the way we get news. In the past people used to read a daily or weekly newspaper; so, by the time they were reading the news, it was already out of date. Nowadays we get news on the internet and it is instantaneous. In addition, people can read or hear the news without the need to buy a newspaper so it has probably reduced the number of newspapers sold.

    DESCRIBE what qualities a good journalist needs

    Student: I imagine that a journalist needs to be ruthless. A lot of times they have to write stories about people who do not want their faces splashed across the front of the newspaper; therefore, they have to be pushy to get people to talk to them. Additionally, it would be necessary to be able to work to deadlines, as the news has to be printed as soon as possible, so there is not a lot of time to think about or plan the story.

    ASSESS which is the most reliable medium for getting news (internet, TV, radio, newspapers)

    Student: That’s a very difficult question because I imagine all of them have published stories which are not true. I would say the internet is the least reliable medium because anybody can put a story on the internet. The other three are all controlled more closely therefore, they are more reliable. I suppose it depends on the TV or radio station or programme as to whether it is reliable or not.

    CONSIDER whether censorship of news by governments is ever justified

    Student: This is a tricky question; and although I am against censorship the majority of the time, I think there may be cases where it is justified. For example, there have been a lot of suicides in a town in Wales in recent years, and I feel that when one person does it and it is reported, then other people copy what has happened. This is the same with murders. A lot of terrorist attacks are done because the terrorist groups want the publicity. If governments censored the information we are given, it might reduce the number of attacks in the future.

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  • Something you own ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Describe something you own which is important to you
    What is it?
    How and when did you get it?
    Why is it important to you?

    Student: Without a doubt the thing that I own which is most important to me, besides my family, are my cats. Material possessions aren’t as important to me as people or animals so that is why I have chosen them. Nowadays people are very materialistic and competitive and there is competition to have the latest cars and gadgets. As much as I like such things if I had to I could live without them, but family and animals are extremely important to me. I used to have five cats at one time but now they have all died and I only have one left. I got him about three years ago. His name is Jose and he is a pedigreed cat and was abandoned by his owner because the owner’s boyfriend thought he was ugly. I was horrified that people could dispose of something so easily. They got rid of him as though he were a piece of clothing that they didn’t want anymore. Pets are important to me because they have been there for me when I have been through difficult periods in my life. Some people might choose a piece of jewelry or an item of clothing which is important for them as it may have sentimental value; and although I have such things, for example a ring given to me by my parents, they are not as important to me as my pets. To me the value of something is not how much it costs, but the pleasure you get from it, and my cats give me infinite pleasure. Having said all that however, I am not convinced that you ever own a cat. I think the cat owns you. They are not like dogs who love you unconditionally, but I kind of like that arrogance in a cat.

    Examiner: We have been talking about something you own and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    EXPLAIN why some people try to get more and more possessions

    Student: We live in a consumer-driven society. People seem to value themselves according to what they own. A brand new car, the latest gadgets etc. are seen today as status symbols. Up until recently, people had a lot of disposable income and this was squandered on material goods. People are constantly trying to outdo each other so if you get a new iPod, then your so-called friend has to get a more up-to-date one to better you. In the current credit crunch, consumer spending has gone down and people are having to make do with things rather than replacing them all the time. Hopefully, we will see a return to traditional values such as friendship and loyalty rather than material possessions being the most important things in our lives.

    ASSESS whether it is a good or a bad thing to be rich

    Student: Personally, I think it is a good thing to be rich because it opens up more opportunities. If you have loads of money, it is possible to travel all over the world and experience different cultures. There may be some downsides such as getting begging letters from people who want you to give them money, however I feel it is a small price to pay. If I had a choice of being rich or poor then obviously I am going to choose to be rich, I cannot understand why anyone would choose to be poor. People seem to think that rich means being unhappy, but if you asked a lot of poor people if they would like to be rich I cannot imagine they would say oh no thank you I am perfectly happy as I am.

    CONSIDER whether our society is getting more materialistic

    Student: Society has become infinitely more materialistic in recent years. My parents’ generation had to save up for things whereas today anything can be bought on credit. People have become so competitive and you are judged by what car you drive, what brand of jeans you are wearing etc. Because of the credit crunch there is a possibility that people may become less materialistic because there is not as much disposable income to buy luxury items as there was in the past. When my parents were young going out for meals and buying loads of electrical goods for entertainment reasons was unheard of, but now it is the norm.

    CONSIDER whether advertising gives people important information or makes them buy things they don’t need

    Student: During the advert breaks our televisions are full of adverts for things we don’t need and moreover things most people cannot afford. Even if you think you are not taking any notice of the adverts, the next time you are in the supermarket, you will find yourself filling your trolley with things that you hadn’t planned to buy. Occasionally there might be an advertisement which gives you essential information about health or finance, however, for the main part adverts are there to make us part with our money. Furthermore, advertisers use techniques to get you to buy things you don’t need such as using celebrities to endorse products or making claims that the product will change your life so you feel that you must have it. I have to admit that I have bought things in the past just because of advertisers’ claims and I have used the product once and then never used it again.

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  • How Doody and Fu Became Friends ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    How Doody and Fu Became Friends

    Fu is a pilot. He flies to Edinburgh, Scotland.
    As soon as he arrives, Fu goes to H&M store to buy a new skirt. In the changing room he meets Doody. Doody likes this skirt very much. He has been dreaming about this skirt for an hour. And this skirt is the last one in this size. Doody begs Fu to give the skirt to him. But Fu really likes this skirt too. He doesn’t want to give it to a stranger.
    Doody and Fu start to fight. They fight fiercely and tear the skirt in half. At first they are shocked but in a few seconds they start to laugh like crazy.
    They go to the cafe for some milk and during a nice conversation become good friends.
    They both keep half of a skirt in their homes as a memory of the day they became friends.

  • How Doody and Fu Became Friends ( recorded by philoslothical ), Great Lakes/Inland North

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    How Doody and Fu Became Friends

    Fu is a pilot. He flies to Edinburgh, Scotland.
    As soon as he arrives, Fu goes to H&M store to buy a new skirt. At the changing room he meets Doody. Doody likes this skirt very much. He has been dreaming about this skirt for an hour. And this skirt is the last one in this size. Doody begs Fu to give the skirt to him. But Fu really likes this skirt too. He doesn’t want to give it to a stranger.
    Doody and Fu start to fight. They fight fiercely and tear the skirt in half. First they are shocked but in a few seconds they start to laugh just like crazy.
    They go to a cafe for some milk, have a nice conversation and become good friends.
    And the both keep half of a skirt at their homes as a memory of the day they became friends.

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  • Sport ( recorded by duda910 ), American, Brazilian

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    Her name is Ellie Roebuck.
    She is a football player.
    She plays for England and Manchester City.
    She is a goalkeeper.
    To be the best, she must work out every day.
    She thinks a good player must respect the referee and play fair.

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  • IDENTITIES AND EXCHANGES ( recorded by Cats ), Canadian

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    to be a citizen of the world
    global: international
    to benefit from
    to broaden: to widen

    to preserve one’s heritage
    a profile
    to customize
    to stand out

    social identity
    to assimilate
    to clash
    to fit in
    to conform
    to blend into: to mix with
    ties: bonds

    to build a network
    home country
    host country

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  • PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SPACES ( recorded by AmBear ), California

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    mass production
    political action
    social space
    shared space
    work space
    common ground

    an enclosed area
    gender politics
    a breadwinner
    to infringe on

    3. SOCIETY
    social revolution
    to blossom
    to conceal VS to reveal

    4. CHANGE
    to free oneself from
    a leap forward
    to express
    to foster changes
    to improve

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