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  • I wish I’d studied harder: Expressing regrets and wishes ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    I wish I’d studied harder: Expressing regrets and wishes
    By Liz Walter

    Nobody’s life is perfect, right? We all have things we’d like to change, or things we wish hadn’t happened. This post is about the way we express those feelings, and in particular the tenses we use, as learners of English (very understandably!) often make mistakes with them.

    There are two basic phrases we use to express regrets and wishes:
    I wish …
    If only …

    When you are talking about situations that exist in the present, the strange thing you need to remember is that you talk about the situation in the past simple:

    + I wish I lived in a bigger house.
    + I wish my friends could be here.
    + If only I didn’t have so much work to do!

    Students are often taught to use 'were' instead of 'was' after "I wish" or "If only". This is correct (it’s the subjunctive), and it’s a good idea to write it in a formal situation, but in speech or informal writing, it is perfectly acceptable to use 'was':

    + I wish I were taller. (formal)
    + If only I was better at maths. (informal)

    Another way of talking about wishes in the present, is to use I wish / If only + would + verb. We use this structure to talk about things we would like someone or something to do. We often use it when we feel annoyed about something:

    + I wish Hannah would stop complaining!
    + If only this computer wouldn’t keep crashing!

    Remember that you can’t use this structure about yourself or a situation that you are in:

    + I wish I would have more money. (WRONG)
    + I wish I had more money. (CORRECT)

    Now let’s move on to regrets about the past. For these, we use the past perfect. A common mistake is to use the past simple instead:

    + I wish I studied harder. (WRONG)
    + I wish I had studied harder. (CORRECT)
    + If only my car didn’t break down. (WRONG)
    + If only my car hadn’t broken down! (CORRECT)

    However, with the modal verb 'could', we use the present perfect:

    + I wish I could have spent more time with him.
    + If only she could have come with us.

    I hope this makes this rather complicated subject a bit clearer!

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  • TV programme (1) ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Describe a TV programme that you have seen recently

    What was it about?
    When did you see it?
    Why you did like it and what influence did it have on you?

    Student: The TV programme that I have watched recently which I would like to talk about is called Mistresses. This was shown on the BBC on Tuesday evenings. It was a series of six episodes and the season that has just finished was the second season. It is best described as a drama and is particularly aimed at women, however I think quite a lot of men watched it because it is full of extremely attractive women. Basically, there are four women who are close friends and the programme focuses on the relationships they have. Their relationships can be dangerous for example, Siobhan was a married woman who had an affair with a work colleague and got pregnant. Her husband agreed to bring up the baby as his own but Siobhan then embarked on a series of other affairs. She had a job as a lawyer, but when she started an affair with one of her clients, things got very messy. Her husband subsequently found out and said he wanted a divorce. Personally, I feel that the programme is slightly unrealistic, as for people to be having so many relationships and for so many beautiful people to be in one place is not normal. For me it was pure escapism. It is not a life I want, but it’s nice to escape into it for an hour every week. At the end of the last season there was a bit of a cliff-hanger so I can’t wait for another season to find out what happens. I don’t think it influenced me in any way other than being one hour’s worth of entertainment. The good thing as well is that it was on at 9 o’clock so it gave me a chance to wind down after a stressful day.

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  • A piece of music (2) ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Examiner: We have been talking about music and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    CONSIDER whether famous pop stars influence young people too much

    Student: It’s true to say that pop stars influence young people, but it’s hard to say whether it is too much. And is being influenced by a pop star necessarily a bad thing? I suppose it depends on the pop star. Someone like Amy Winehouse who is addicted to drugs is certainly not a positive role model, but I don’t think the world’s drugs problems can be attributed to her. Certainly young girls may be influenced by skinny pop stars and want to emulate them and get eating disorders as a result.

    CONSIDER whether famous singers are paid too much

    Student: Again that depends on the pop star. If you are just a singer and don’t write your own lyrics or music, then the amount you get paid is probably not excessive. Singers who are also songwriters, however, make money from royalties and I think they deserve this money so no I do not agree that singer are paid too much.

    CONSIDER whether it is fair that people can now often download music from the internet for free, without paying the writer or performer anything

    Student: I totally disagree with people being able to download music from the internet and the writer or performer gets nothing. To me it is stealing. You cannot just walk into a supermarket and take something without paying for it so why should you be allowed to have music for nothing. Record companies should work with the internet to make it impossible to download music without paying for it. This would then solve this problem.

    CONSIDER whether it is a good thing that “western” music seems to be popular all over the world

    Student: For language students I think western music is a useful tool for learning a language. A large proportion of western music is sung in English, therefore for learners of English listening to songs in English can contribute to their language acquisition. However, if the popularity of western music means that indigenous music is lost then the dominance of western music is a bad thing.

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