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English Recordings

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  • Asimov ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Science fiction is a literary genre whose aim is to invent worlds, societies and characters in a fictional space-time.
    It involves radically different sciences, technologies and situations. Its role is to explore the social consequences of scientific and technical progress, and to prepare the mind for it.

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  • superheroes 2 ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    run (ran)
    cling (clung) to
    turn invisible
    see (saw)
    keep (kept)
    shrink (shrank)
    hold (held)
    put (put) on
    freeze (froze)
    become (became)
    wear (wore)
    fight (fought)
    (spun) a web
    shoot (shot)
    hide (hid)
    think (thought)

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  • superheroes 1 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    a superpower
    a power
    a weakness
    a brainwave
    a wall
    a force field
    fairy dust
    an outfit
    a horn
    a helmet
    a boot
    a shoulder pad
    a wing
    a claw
    a belt
    a glove
    a cowl
    a hood
    a tiara
    a chest
    a logo
    a weapon
    an arrow
    a bow
    a shield
    a hammer
    a sword
    an axe
    a whip

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  • What inspired Game of Thrones ( recorded by SilverLion ), Northern California

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    What inspired Game of Thrones?
    The author of Game of Thrones was inspired by historical facts from the ancient world to Medieval Europe. As you know, Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series which is an adaptation of five novels written by George R. R. Martin. The inspiration for the wars in the Seven Kingdoms were the English Wars of the Roses, which took place from 1455 to 1485. In the Wars of the Roses, the house of Lancaster, represented by a white rose, opposed the house of York, represented by a red rose. The Lancasters were southerners who were extremely wealthy.
    In Game of Thrones, the House of Lannister are southerners and they are also very wealthy; they are represented by a lion whereas the House of Stark are northerners, represented by a wolf.
    The Wall was inspired by Hadrian’s Wall.
    Hadrian’s Wall was a real defensive wall built in the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian in 122 AD. It was 80 miles long and 20 feet high. It was the northern limit of the Roman Empire.
    In Game of Thrones, the Wall is also a defensive wall but it is made of ice and stone and it was built using magical art some eight millennia ago. It is 300 miles long and 700 feet high!
    It is the northern limit of the Seven Kingdoms.

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  • The film The Martian ( recorded by SilverLion ), Northern California

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    The film The Martian is a 2015 science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon, is an astronaut who is alone on Mars. His crew thought he was dead and left the planet. Mark adapts a shelter and grows potatoes to survive. He is finally rescued by his crew after living alone for 461 days.

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  • The Novel Robinson Crusoe ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    The novel Robinson Crusoe
    It was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. It is the story of an English sailor named Robinson
    Crusoe. One day, a terrible tempest causes the death of all his companions. He lands on a desert island in the Carribean sea. He struggles to build a shelter and find food. After
    surviving for 27 years on this island, he is rescued by an English ship.

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  • Sofia is ready to stop dating ( recorded by DBW ), Australian

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    Sofia Kat is ready to stop dating. She only seems to meet total losers.
    One time her close friend Boris Yeltsin finds her a date with a very good guy. But that date falls through because the guy gets sick.

    Another time her friend Sergey Lazarev sets her up on a date with a very sporty guy. Surprisingly, he shows up already two sheets to the wind. Absolutely trashed. Sofia’s first impression of him is extremely negative. She leaves without saying goodbye.

    Another time, Sofia meets a very nice guy on a dating website. When they meet Sofia can’t believe her eyes. She is blown away because this guy is so handsome. He invites her to a fancy restaurant where they have a delicious dinner. At the end of the evening he says that he is totally broke at the moment and asks her pay for the date. Understandably, Sofia doesn’t want to meet him again.

    Then on February 30th, her luck changes. She runs into her old friend Kim Kardashian at the dampsters. They haven’t been in touch since school.
    Kim wants to set Sofia up on a blind date with her friend Travis Kot. Sofia thinks that all blind dates are a recipe for disaster. But she agrees to go out with Travis one time. One last shot.

    One month later Kim sees Sofia at a cafe. She’s bursting at the seams. She and Travis have fallen in love.

    « Thank you so much, Kim», says Sofia. «Travis is really head and shoulders above the rest».

    Sofia Kat and Travis Kot live happily ever after.

  • Sofia is ready to stop dating ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Sofia Kat is ready to stop dating. She only seems to meet total losers.
    One time her close friend Boris Yeltsin finds her a date with a great guy. But that date falls through because the guy gets sick.

    Another time her friend Sergey Lazarev sets her up on a date with a very sporty guy. Surprisingly he shows up already two sheets to the wind. Absolutely trashed (smashed). Sofia’s first impression of him is extremely negative. She leaves without saying good bye.

    Another time Sofia meets a really nice guy on a dating website. When they meet Sofia can’t believe her eyes. She is blown away because the guy is so handsome. He invites her to a fancy restaurant where they have a delicious dinner. At the end of the evening he says that he is totally broke at the moment and asks her to pay for the date. Understandably Sofia doesn’t want to meet him again.

    Then on February 30th, her luck changes. She runs into her old friend Kim Kardashian at the dumpsters. They haven’t been in touch since school.
    Kim wants to set Sofia up on a blind date with her friend Travis Kot. Sofia thinks that all blind dates are a recipe for disaster. But she agrees to go out with Travis one time. One last shot.

    One month later Kim sees Sofia at a cafe. She’s bursting at the seams. She and Travis have fallen in love.

    « Thank you so much, Kim», says Sofia. «Travis is really head and shoulders above the rest».

    Sofia Kat and Travis Kot live happily ever after.

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  • My speech for an english class ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Hello! Welcome everybody, thank you for being here today! I’m Adele, and today I want to talk to you about mathematics and kids!
    But first, let me give you some statistics: 6 out of 10 children do not learn or handle reading and mathematics with proficiency according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. So, what does that mean? It means that 617 million children and adolescent do not know how to use mathematics, even though they are at school, in class. 617 million, it is almost twice the US population. Yes, indeed, that IS a lot. That IS a problem. And I am asking you to solve it.
    Why? Because that is the goal in our future career: we want to teach math to kids and do our best, so that they love math, or at least understand it.
    “How?” Will you tell me. Well, let me tell you about my project: I would like to set up a math class association for struggling kids.
    What would be the point? They are the point. Helping them with the homework lessons at school they apparently are not understanding very well. Explained just like that, it sounds boring. But here comes the “fun” part: you want to make math sound fun, enjoyable for them. How? Make up projects, games, interesting lessons, of course related to math. Use Fibonacci numbers, Geometry, the Golden Ratio, math related to other scientific domains, anything, really. Also, don’t forget about math history, because in the end, mathematics has been more than a tool, and not such a difficult tool to use: it becomes easy once you know how to use it.
    Now, what would you gain from this? Well, you want to be a teacher, or at least are studying for it. This experience would teach you empathy, and would make you understand that, again, mathematics are not naturally easy, they just gradually become easy.
    Why would you do this? Because it is such a great opportunity to try and use your proficiency to teach kids and share your passion for math. Because indeed, you are almost 75% sure that these kids are here because they do love it, even though they do not fully understand it. Also, you are, sadly, not sure that your future students at school will be as fond of math as these kids. Finally, convincing kids to join in your passion or at least knowing that, thanks to you, they understood it even a little is really gratifying.

    Now, of course, I have to mention girls in science.
    Launching this project aiming to make kids love mathematics would also be a good time to explain again, or for the first time, to these little boys and girls that sciences are not “for boys”, girls are also good at math. Boys and girls can attain the exact same proficiency, actually. That was scientifically proven, over and over. However, studies found that girls had higher levels of math anxiety and lower levels of confidence in their math skills. This means that even when girls show similar performance levels to boys, they are often less sure of themselves. That is a second problem my association would aim to solve. This would be a huge step forward, as it would encourage girls to stick to math, by telling them they can do it, as long as they stay confident.
    To complete this previous task, reminding girls they can legitimately embrace a mathematics career, or more generally a career in one of the STEM domains, would be great. Girls are very welcome in the sciences. And it is with their self-confidence that things will move, and the situation will evolve for the better; women are truly needed in scientific domains, first because they can be as good as men, and to encourage girls to embrace a STEM career.

    If at this point, you are still not convinced, here are some more arguments:
    I will explain to you why we should encourage kids to get involved in scientific domains:
    1) kids are the future,
    2) sciences are the future. Those children have got to move ahead of their time + they are quite sure to find careers in whatever scientific domain they like in the world we are living in, but they will need mathematics at at least a high school level. They will always appreciate this achievement, even just on an everyday basis. So, they need to focus and understand now, as kids.

    You will be here for that.

    That’s all I wanted to say, at least for now. Please join my association, at this point you know why you should.

    Have a good day!


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