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English Recordings

132 Words / 0 Comments
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  • phrase12 ( recorded by SeekingSilence ), Midwestern United States

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  • phrase12 ( recorded by sporty786 ), East Coast, Pennsylvania

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    166 What models do you have?  
    167 Can I drive the car before I rent it?
    168 I was in a car wreck. I need to call the police. 
    169 I have a flat tire. Can you change it?
    170 The battery's dead.
    171 Could you call a taxi for me?
    172 Please take me to this address.
    173 Please take me to Restaurant Havana near National Park.
    174 To the opposite side of this building, please.
    175 One more person is joining us later.
    176 Is this taxi free both ways?
    177 Excuse me,but will you take me back to the Royal Hotel? 
    178 Excuse me,are we going to Opera House?
    179 Aren't you taking a longer way? 

144 Words / 0 Comments
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146 Words / 0 Comments
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  • phrase10 ( recorded by richbb ), Western USA

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  • phrase10 ( recorded by Tysoma ), American

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    Corrected Text

    136 I see. Well, how are you going to compensate me for my luggage? 
    137 Where can I transfer to an international flight?
    138 Is there a taxi stand nearby?
    139 Could you call me a taxi? Could you call a taxi for me?
    140 Where can I get a taxi?  
    141 Hilton.
    142 I need to go here.
    143 Could you turn on the air-conditioning? // The air-conditioner isn't working.
    144 Do you mind if I open a window?
    145 How much is it ? What's the charge?
    146 Here will be okay. That'll be fine.
    147 Thank you. Keep the change.   
    148 How much is it to Central Park?
    149 How many stops to Central Park? How many stops are there from here to the next station?
    150 Where do I need to change trains? Do I need to transfer?

161 Words / 0 Comments
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  • phrase9 ( recorded by alpine ), American English

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  • phrase9 ( recorded by Tysoma ), American

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    Corrected Text

    121 The flight attendant told me to sit here.
    122 His mother is in the restroom. I'll go back to my seat after she's through. 
    123 Are you waiting in line? 
    124 Can I have an immigration card?
    125 I'm visiting as an assistant in my father's business.
    126 I don't have any drugs with me.
    127 I lost my departure card. What should I do?
    128 Where is the baggage claim?
    129 When do I have to pick up my baggage?
    130 Where is the bus stop for Manhattan?  
    131 Where is Terminal 3?
    132 I've come to the wrong boarding gate! Where is the gate for Flight 867?
    133 I have to arrive in Vienna by tomorrow. Could you get me a direct flight?  
    134 Your law says I can stay in the U.S for 90 days without a visa.
    135 I have to stay here for 5 hours! Is there any way that I could just stay here?

140 Words / 0 Comments
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144 Words / 0 Comments
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126 Words / 0 Comments
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121 Words / 0 Comments
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75 Words / 0 Comments
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