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  • Acceptance / Unsatisfactory Lives ( recorded by ELIVAL1 ), unspecified accent

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  • Acceptance / Unsatisfactory Lives ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    Acceptance / Unsatisfactory Lives

    Topic: Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

    Model answer:

    Many people find themselves in situations where they must either accept what life has given them or find a way to move up in the world. In my opinion, although accepting your situation in life may be pragmatic in some cases, it is still better to at least strive to improve your situation as it can usually be bettered to some degree.

    On the one hand, the vast majority of people are unable to drastically change their situation and acceptance of this fact will make them feel more satisfied with their lives. The best example of this would be those people living in dire economic conditions. Recent research puts the Democratic Republic of Congo as one of the poorest nations on Earth, both due to a lack of developed infrastructure and to internal strife in recent years. For a person living in a small village, ravaged by war or famine, it would be cruel to suggest that they should find a way to improve their lives when it might simply be impossible. Instead, such people may feel they are better off accepting that they cannot make any changes to their situation at the present moment and just focus on their own survival and that of their family. These situations are rare but do exist around the world in various countries, particularly if they are at war or experiencing a severe economic downturn.

    On the other hand, few would dispute the fact that in even the most difficult situations people can make their lives better through continued effort. Instances of people who worked hard and became successful abound in both developed and developing nations. Some relevant examples of this are the post-war situations of countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea. All those countries were devastated by war to greater and lesser degrees yet they are all currently economic powerhouses. In Japan, World War 2 left their population depleted of workers, a deep national debt due to reparations and infrastructure reduced to rubble. By not accepting their situation they were able to become leaders in technology through notable companies like Sony, Nokia and Toyota. The efficacy of the individuals who had to work hard to improve their lives is reflected in the overall progress of the country and should serve as an example to all war-torn nations.

    To conclude, there are very few situations where it would be advisable to simply accept an unhappy situation because hard work over a long period will pay off to some degree in the vast majority of cases. By having a more positive attitude it is also more likely that your efforts to make a better life will be rewarded, while a more defeatist attitude is likely to reduce your chances to make changes in life.

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  • The miner's testimony ( recorded by HerAntiderivative ), American

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  • The miner's testimony ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    The miner’s testimony
    I remember it quite well… I was at the battle of Orgreave, in June 1984. The pit's closure was a real threat to the livelihood of thousands of workers, and there were calls to protest all over Great Britain.
    It all started quite peacefully. It was a rather normal picketing day but there were many of us. More than 8000 people joined us to protest, and the place was really crowded. But we were not alone. I remember that, slowly, we started noticing many police wagons arriving left and right. Horses, shields, helmets, you name it, it was like they were preparing for war. Afterwards, they reckoned there were more than 4500 policemen called to face us.
    What was strange that day is that the policemen didn't try to stop us, as they usually did. They let us walk through. They guided us, in fact. And, slowly, they took us to this big field. It was a vast area, really open. We were here, the protesters, on our side and, facing us, like an army, the policemen were standing with all their weapons and protection. It’s funny because, when I think back, it really looked like a battlefield!
    Some people threw stones and stuff, here and there, the other protesters told them to stop. Suddenly, the police lines split and, out of the blue, policemen on horses charged us. From that point on, it was anarchy, chaos. It really seemed that we were in a true war battle. Many were hurt that day. That was scary.
    Today, some people think that it was all a trap, that the police forces took us there to provoke a battle and charge the protesters with rioting, which can send you into prison for life. Maybe it was all a setup and they wanted to show the strikers they didn’t stand a chance and sending some of us into prison for the rest of our lives was setting an example.
    Honestly, I don’t really know but a page of British history was written that day.

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  • movies audi - favourite genre 4 ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    I like all movie genres, but I’m especially a fan of documentaries like the ones you can watch on the Discovery Channel. The last one I saw was Blue Planet! It was so interesting, and the pictures were so amazing! I definitely recommend it!

  • movies audi - favourite genre 4 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    I like all genres of movies, but I’m a fan of documentaries like the ones you can watch on discovery channel. The last one I saw was blue planet ! it was so interesting and the pictures were so amazing! I definitely recommend it !

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  • movies audio favourite genre 3 ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    I'm a fan of science fiction movies and dramas. I definitely recommend "Black panther", as it was so surrealistic and fast-paced. You should give it a try!

  • movies audio favourite genre 3 ( recorded by Jbou ), Southern United States (South Carolina)

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    I'm a fan of science fiction movies and dramas. I definitely recommend "Black Panther" for it was so surrealistic and fast paced. You should give it a try !

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  • movies audio - favourite genre 2 ( recorded by kaiteee11893 ), American

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    I really enjoy horror movies, one I recently saw was called "The Nun" but it was so scary that I couldn’t sleep at all that night!
    I wouldn't recommend watching this alone!

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  • movies audio - favourite genre 1 ( recorded by kaiteee11893 ), American

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    I love comedies. The last film I watched was called "Untouchable". It’s a French movie.
    I liked it because it was hilarious and dramatic. It's a must watch.

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