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  • My new school ( recorded by digitalis_ ), British (RP)

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    I'm William Bailey. I'm eleven and a half. I'm Scottish. I live in a small village called Aberdeen. I have a lot of hobbies. I like to play sports, especially football and tennis, but I don't like golf. I also love listening to music in my bedroom.
    I'm in year 7. My new school is called Albyn School. It's small but beautiful. I have a lot of friends there.

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  • Some questions ( recorded by Coffeemachtspass ), American West Coast

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    I have two questions:

    The first concerns the dates of delivery of the reports.

    The second is about the work with mass media that are not in the project's area of intervention but that are important for national public advocacy. Can we work with these media?

  • Some questions ( recorded by farisr ), Massachusetts USA

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    I have two questions:

    The first concerns the dates of delivery of the reports.

    The second is about the work with mass media that are not in the area of intervention of the project but they are important for national public advocacy. Can we work with these media?

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  • Adventurous person (2) ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Examiner: We have been talking about an adventurous person and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    DESCRIBE some of the risky activities which people do

    Student: The first thing that springs to mind is climbing mountains such as Everest which is something I would absolutely never do. I can see why people would want to do that – there is the satisfaction of getting to the top, however it is fraught with danger and there are so many things that could go wrong. Other risky things that people enjoy doing are things like caving or potholing which involves going underground. I suffer from claustrophobia so this is something I would not consider doing. I didn’t use to be but I am such a coward now that even skiing seems like a dangerous thing to do. A British actress died recently after she fell on the ski slopes so this proves that it is indeed dangerous.

    EXPLAIN why people are willing to risk their lives mountain climbing, parachuting etc Student: When you do activities such as these your body releases adrenalin, which can be addictive. People who do lots of these things are often referred to as adrenalin junkies. This means they are addicted to the feeling that you get when you do such activities. You get on a high when you have finished the activity and it is similar to the feeling you get when you take drugs I imagine. Personally, I wouldn’t want to risk my life mountain climbing or jumping out of an aeroplane, however I can appreciate the reason why people want to do it.

    ASSESS whether taxpayers should be responsible for paying for rescuing people who have got into trouble doing risky activities like mountain climbing

    Student: This is a tricky question for me to answer because on the one hand it could be argued that it is irresponsible for people to do these kinds of activities and get into danger and then expect the taxpayer to rescue them if they encounter a problem. However, my sister enjoys doing such things therefore if she were to get into trouble and needed mountain rescue then I would want her to get whatever help possible. Maybe policies should be introduced which mean that people could not do such things without having insurance that would cover them in the event of any accidents, however, this would be extremely difficult to monitor.

    CONSIDER whether life now is more or less risky than in the past

    Student: Personally, I believe that life is significantly riskier now than in the past. Firstly, because of the increasing number of vehicles on the roads, this has made travelling by car much more dangerous. Secondly, there are a lot more opportunities for people to travel to foreign countries, for example, many students now take a gap year before they go to university and this involves travelling to dangerous countries on their own and there have been many instances of young people being killed whilst on gap years. Thirdly, I think life is riskier because it has become more competitive. This means that people are doing more and more dangerous things to try and compete with each other. People are not satisfied with doing something simple like going for a walk nowadays, they have to be hot air ballooning or trekking through Peru in their spare time.

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  • Radio programme (1) ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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  • TV programme (2) ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    Examiner: We have been talking about a TV programme and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    EXPLAIN how TV can influence people in both a good and a bad way

    Student: Many crimes have been committed as a direct result of people watching violent TV programmes or films. This is a particularly worrying way in which TV can have a negative influence on people. There are however educational programmes which can have a positive influence on people such as programmes about our health and well-being.

    ASSESS whether parents should stop their children from watching some programmes

    Student: In the UK there is a watershed of 9pm. This means that before 9pm programmes should not contain to many swear words or too much violence. If parents allow children to stay up after the watershed, then they need to monitor the programmes the children are watching to see if they are suitable. I think that parents have a responsibility to censor the programmes that their children watch. This is good parenting.

    CONSIDER whether it is a good thing that we can see such violent news on our TV every day

    Student: I watched the news today and it was full of stories of murders and violence. I was horrified and consider it a bad thing that we are exposed to such things day in day out. I am also of the opinion that violence breeds violence. People copy what they have seen on television so I would be happy if our news was censored.

    SPECULATE on the future of TV.

    Student: With satellite television and the internet we are now able to get TV 24 hours a day and from all the continents. Because of this, however, I personally feel that the quality of TV programmes has diminished. In the past the BBC was respected for the quality of its programmes and they were sold all over the world. Nowadays because of 24-hour TV more programmes need to be made and they are not as good as they used to be. I think this reduction in quality TV programmes is a trend that will continue.

    CONSIDER whether it is fair that people can now often download music from the internet for free, without paying the writer or performer anything

    Student: I totally disagree with people being able to download music from the internet and the writer or performer gets nothing. To me it is stealing. You cannot just walk into a supermarket and take something without paying for it, so why should you be allowed to have music for nothing? Record companies should work with the internet to make it impossible to download music without paying for it. This would then solve this problem.

    CONSIDER whether it is a good thing that “western” music seems to be popular all over the world

    Student: For language students I think western music is a useful tool for learning a language. A large proportion of western music is sung in English, therefore for learners of English listening to songs in English can contribute to their language acquisition. However, if the popularity of western music means that indigenous music is lost then the dominance of western music is a bad thing.


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