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English Recordings

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  • Driving a motorbike ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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    When driving a motorbike, you must always respect the highway laws and not take any unnecessary risks. Not wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is legal, but for riding a motorbike it’s illegal. You should always turn your lights on and wear light-colored clothes when darkness falls, to make yourself as visible as possible. Try to maintain a safe distance from the traffic in front of you, don’t try to squeeze through tight spaces, and go slower at intersections, which can be quite dangerous. Avoid an accident at all costs!

    Remember to keep your tires well-pumped, for a smooth and comfortable ride. A good idea is get a regular inspection at a repair station, which costs about twenty-five dollars. You can get your vehicle checked, and replace any parts that are substandard. Be sure to ask the mechanic a lot of questions, like about the brake system or if the metal parts are too rusty. Your motorbike might have been constructed with some Chinese equipment, which is highly unreliable. Good maintenance is the key to dependability for any motorized vehicle.

  • Driving a motorbike ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Driving a motorbike ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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  • Computers ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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    Recent years have seen the appearance of different means of communication. In addition to newspapers, mobile phones and televisions, an increasing number of people have a computer at home, and they use it to play video games, surf the Internet, and generate documents. A home PC offers many ways to communicate: sending emails, sharing photos on Facebook, writing your own blog with hypertext, and chatting with foreigners. It’s amazing that Asians can easily connect with anyone in North America. It has brought comfort and reassurance to many, knowing that a friend or family member is only a mouse click away.

    Another application is in education, which allows for more equality amongst the various students, as most children under eighteen are computer literate. But overdependence can be dangerous. It’s not clear who takes responsibility for making sure that all those websites are giving just facts. Usually the information is reliable, but occasionally it’s unreliable. Another drawback to computers is that teenagers focus too much on them for their entertainment, and it destroys their creativity. Still, experts say that owning a PC is a necessary investment.

  • Computers ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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    Recent years have seen the appearance of different means of communication. In addition to newspapers, mobile phones and televisions, an increasing number of people have a computer at home, and they use it to play video games, surf the Internet, and generate documents. A home PC offers many ways to communicate: sending emails, sharing photos on Facebook, writing your own blog with hypertext, and chatting with foreigners. It’s amazing that Asians can easily connect with anyone in North America. It has brought comfort and reassurance to many, knowing that a friend or family member is only a mouse click away.

    Another application is in education, which allows for more equality amongst the various students, as most children under eighteen are computer literate. But overdependence can be dangerous. It’s not clear who takes responsibility for making sure that all those websites are giving just facts. Usually the information is reliable, but occasionally it’s unreliable. Another drawback to computers is that teenagers focus too much on them for their entertainment, and it destroys their creativity. Still, experts say that owning a PC is a necessary investment.

  • Computers ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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  • Computers ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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  • Environment ( recorded by GastroVulpes ), American Woman

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    It’s a good idea to preserve the Earth’s natural beauty. Everybody from the Arctic Ocean to South America is responsible for the world we live in; to damage our environment would be irresponsible. Taking public transportation will cut down on exhaust from traffic, and keep the atmosphere cleaner. At home, we can sort our rubbish into different materials and recycle them. Most people are aware of the importance of saving energy, but some people are unaware. In our homes, we have many machines that use electricity, so it would be advantageous to use them efficiently. Nowadays, environmentalists want us to use fewer plastic bags. Therefore, everyone should take reusable shopping bags with them to the supermarket. We can also reduce the amount of paper we use by sharing newspapers, and not printing lots of documents from a computer. Water is another important resource which no one wants to waste. Some places have an undersupply of clean water to drink. There must be at least fifty practical ways you can adjust your life today to be sensitive to the issues, so everyone is capable of improving the situation.

  • Environment ( recorded by vankrot ), British

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  • Environment ( recorded by Thomas ), American (Texas)

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