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English Recordings

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  • Description of a photograph: Kent State shooting ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    This document is a black and white photograph taken by John Paul Filo in 1970, during the Vietnam War.
    It is entitled « Kent State Shooting ».

    In the middle of the picture, we can see a woman who is kneeling. She is crying and looking at the camera. She looks terrified.
    In the foreground , in front of the woman, there is the body of a person, lying on the ground.
    The woman is catching the arm of another person next to her.
    In the background, we can see other people who are walking. On the top left corner, two people are watching the scene.
    The face of the woman and the body catch the viewer’s attention.

    We can easily imagine that the person lying on the ground is dead because of the woman’s reaction.
    Moreover, the title of the picture « Kent State Shooting » helps us understand the situation.
    As we can see a lot of people, we can suppose that they were in a demonstration and that some of them were shot.
    We can notice that the woman has a white piece of fabric around her neck. White usually symbolizes peace, so we can deduce that the demonstration was against violence during the Vietnam War.
    I guess the photographer wanted to denounce the violence of the authorities.
    I imagine the photographer took this picture in order to protest against injustice.
    John Paul Filo’s picture made people realize that the Vietnam war made victims not only in Vietnam.
    To me, this picture is shocking because we can see a corpse in the foreground.
    I have never seen this photo before, but I have seen other pictures that denounced the Vietnam War.

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  • MY FLAT ( recorded by hihellohellohi ), California English

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    I have got a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is on the fifth floor. It is number 59. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a corridor. Our living-room is big. It is light, because it has two large windows. There is a piano on the left. There is a round stool near the piano. The piano is new and black. The TV set is on the right. There is an armchair and a sofa near the TV set. There is a picture on the wall, above the piano. It is a nice picture.
    There is a round table in the middle of the room. There are four chairs near the table. The sideboard is on the left. There are some pictures by modern painters on the wall.
    The carpet hanging on the wall is big and grey. I like our living-room and I often spend my free time watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines there.
    I have my own room. It is small. There is not much furniture there. My room is not very light, because it only has one window.
    There is a sofa on the right. The wardrobe is near the window. There is a small desk by the window. There are two chairs at the desk and a TV set in the corner of the room. The bookcase is near the door. There are many books in it. I have many bookshelves in my room. There are Russian and English books there. I like my room very much. When my friends come to see me I invite them into my room. It is a pity that we have no balcony.
    Our kitchen is big and comfortable. The furniture in the kitchen is not dark, it is light. A new refrigerator stands near the window. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.
    The bathroom is small. We wash there in the morning and in the evening. There is a washing-machine near the door. We have a vacuum-cleaner, which is in the bathroom too.
    The corridor in our flat is long and narrow. There is a telephone in it.
    I like my flat. My friends say that it is a comfortable one.


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