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English Recordings

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  • We often/,/Need time to cry /우리는 가끔 가끔 우는 시간이 필요해요. ( recorded by danmc15 ), Standard American English

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  • We often/,/Need time to cry /우리는 가끔 가끔 우는 시간이 필요해요. ( recorded by yeonsu2010 ), American English (Southern accent)

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  • Book Review - “Fearless” by Max Lucado ( recorded by sethg ), Standard American English

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  • Three news in today`s newspaper ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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    Corrected Text

    • I would like to talk about some today's new items.
    • These news “articles” were posted “in” today's newspaper.
    • There is “some” preposterous news, sad news, and” also” “some” heartwarming news.

    • The first is a piece of preposterous news: Two brothers buried 10 billion under a garlic patch.
    • “Since” it was dirty money from illegal gambling, they couldn't deposit it in a bank, “and so" they bought a garlic patch.
    • They planted garlic during the day, and bills “late at night”.
    • The Police “dug into” the garlic patch “with a hydraulic shovel”, and found all the bills.
    • Now that small village “has become a famous place” “known as the ‘Money patch’”
    • Many people visit that garlic and money patch.

    • The second news is very sad.
    • This year, three bright young students from the Korean university, KAIST, took their own lives.
    • This has become “a hot topic of discussion" and “has generated” many questions.
    • One of the KAIST professors sent “an” e-mail to his students” to try to help them”.
    • “Here I have posted” “his email to the students.”
    • “ It is called” , “To my lovely disciples”. “ Since” my English is poor, it is not easy translate, so I just posted “the picture in Korean”.

    • And the third news item: A couple” in their twenties” visited a charity center and donated all of the gift money they had received during their wedding.
    • They didn't leave their name or even any contact information.

  • Three news in today`s newspaper ( recorded by ArizonaJim ), USA

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  • Three news in today`s newspaper ( recorded by justa7c ), English

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  • Chinese traditional custom: Stepping Bridge/四川绵阳的“踩桥会”중국 '미엔양'의 '다리밟기' ( recorded by bluryamaneko ), northeast england

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  • poised ( recorded by heroin_e ), varies: british/english, transatlantic, north american, malaysian

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  • poised ( recorded by melitu ), American English (Northeastern)

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363 Words / 7 Comments
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  • Warm and shining sun. ( recorded by heroin_e ), varies: british/english, transatlantic, north american, malaysian

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