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English Recordings

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  • Ben ( recorded by jjneal1986 ), South Yorkshire (Northern England)

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    Ben is adventurous, crazy, energetic and he is a great communicator.
    He is nuts about discovering new places.
    He adores animals.
    e is fond of meeting people and immersing himself in new cultures.
    He is keen on photography.
    He knows about science (he has a science degree).
    In the past, he has driven all around Africa, crossed deserts, climbed mountains, ran a marathon, bungee-jumped, mountain-biked, scuba-dived, snorkelled everywhere and rode an ostrich.
    He has also written newspaper and magazine articles as well as giving
    TV and radio interviews.
    He has kept a journal and a video blog.
    He has worked as a manager, a charity fundraiser and a tour guide.

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  • Marcella ( recorded by hobe ), American

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    Marcella is from Canada.
    She is super energetic, has a great sense of adventure, is a quick learner and a great communicator, she is curious and she gets along easily with anyone. She is responsible.
    She enjoys the great outdoors, loves having fun, and is fond of animals.
    She knows how to speak 4 languages,
    She has already led tour groups all around the world.

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  • Amazing Australia ( recorded by agwalsh ), irish

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    Australia is located below Asia, in the Southern Hemisphere.
    It is nicknamed the « land down under ».
    It measures 3 million square miles.
    There are 24 million people in Australia, the population is very diverse.
    The first people are called Aborigines.
    The temperatures go from scorching dry to subtropical.
    The climate is warm and sunny.

    In Australia, there are giant open spaces, seasons are reversed and stars and constellations are upside-down and reversed.

    You can visit:
    -The Great Victoria Desert (the largest desert in the continent)
    -The Australian outback (to go camping and see 3 000 stars)
    -The great barrier reef (it islocated in the pacific ocean, it is the largest coral reef in the world)
    -and Uluru (it is a sacred rock formation, it is 1100 feet tall)

    In Australia, there are many animals:
    -Reptiles (like snakes, or other deadly species)

118 Words / 1 Comments
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