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  • (Apr 15th 2011 20:49 )<We often/우리는 가끔 ,/need time to cry /가끔 우는 시간이 필요해요. > ( recorded by Antoinette_ ), American (California)

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  • (Apr 15th 2011 20:49 )<We often/우리는 가끔 ,/need time to cry /가끔 우는 시간이 필요해요. > ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 22 ( recorded by piconej ), USA- New York Accent

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    1. He climbed a flight of stairs.
    2. She lives two flights up
    3. The birds took flight.
    4. He was flung into prison.
    5. He flung the door open.
    6. He flung himself into a chair.
    7. The wardrobe was flush with the wall.
    8. The blood flushed into his face.
    9. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands.
    10. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
    11. That ship flies the British flag.
    12. I am nobody's fool.
    13. There's no fool like an old fool.
    14. Stop fooling about/around with that gun.
    15. He got cold feet.
    16. Do you have a foot in both camps?
    17. The poor man has one foot in the grave.
    18. The boy already stands on his own two feet.
    19. You started off on the right foot.
    20. He jumped to his feet.
    21. It comes into force on 1st January.
    22. Well have to yield to force.
    23. I'm really looking forward to my holidays.
    24. That was very forward of you.
    25. He is in a good frame of mind.
    26. I didn't like the way he framed the question.
    27. He is free with his money.
    28. You have a free hand.
    29. She was given a free hand in dealing with the situation.
    30. We have fresh bread for lunch.
    31. We'll make a fresh start.
    32. Take a fresh sheet of paper.
    33. He put on a bold front.
    34. They went off at full speed.
    35. Write your name in full.
    36. They are making fun of him.
    37. They are going to spoil the fun.
    38. That's the funny thing about it.
    39. Let's have no funny business.
    40. That's funny!

  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 22 ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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    1. He climbed a flight of stairs.
    2. She lives two flights up
    3. The birds took flight.
    4. He was flung into prison.
    5. He flung the door open.
    6. He flung himself into a chair.
    7. The wardrobe was flush with the wall.
    8. The blood flushed into his face.
    9. He flushed the toilet and washed his hands.
    10. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
    11. That ship flies the British flag.
    12. I am nobody's fool.
    13. There's no fool like an old fool.
    14. Stop fooling about/around with that gun.
    15. He got cold feet.
    16. Do you have a foot in both camps?
    17. The poor man has one foot in the grave.
    18. The boy already stands on his own two feet.
    19. You started off on the right foot.
    20. He jumped to his feet.
    21. It comes into force on 1st January.
    22. Well have to yield to force.
    23. I'm really looking forward to my holidays.
    24. That was very forward of you.
    25. He is in a good frame of mind.
    26. I didn't like the way he framed the question.
    27. He is free with his money.
    28. You have a free hand.
    29. She was given a free hand in dealing with the situation.
    30. We have fresh bread for lunch.
    31. We'll make a fresh start.
    32. Take a fresh sheet of paper.
    33. He put on a bold front.
    34. They went off at full speed.
    35. Write your name in full.
    36. They are making fun of him.
    37. They are going to spoil the fun.
    38. That's the funny thing about it.
    39. Let's have no funny business.
    40. That's funny!

292 Words / 0 Comments
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  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 21 ( recorded by DuHast ), German, English

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    1. Do you feel like a beer?
    2. He felt in his pockets.
    3. We feel for you in your loss.
    4. No hard feelings.
    5. He has a feeling for music.
    6. He was an odd fellow.
    7. They are my fellow countrymen.
    8. Jesus told us that we have to love our fellow men.
    9. They fenced off the play area.
    10. He is a person who always sits on the fence.
    11. These animals are few and far between.
    12. The laws are made for the few.
    13. Don't pick a fight with those bigger than you.
    14. They fought back the enemy.
    15. The little girl fought back the tears.
    16. They closed the file on the case.
    17. They filed past the Queen.
    18. They cut it too fine and arrived late for the meeting.
    19. Johnny's fingers are all thumbs.
    20. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
    21. He is a queer fish.
    22. He fished a coin out of his pocket.
    23. It was a meal fit for a king.
    24. That's all he is fit for.
    25. He is as fit as a fiddle.
    26. He went into a fit of laughter.
    27. My key doesn't fit the lock.
    28. This wardrobe doesn't fit in the car.
    29. It all fits now!
    30. They fixed him so he wouldn't talk.
    31. He fixed up the room as a workshop.
    32. I'll go along to show the flag.
    33. Hoist the flag.
    34. It was a flash in the pan.
    35. He flashed past.
    36. His eyes flashed with anger.
    37. He always flashes his money around.
    38. I did it in 10 minutes flat.
    39. He was flat broke.
    40. She turned him down flat.

  • 2000 bilingual phrases – 21 ( recorded by bananaman ), British English (London)

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358 Words / 1 Comments
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