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English Recordings

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  • On cloud nine: Idioms and phrasal verbs to express happiness ( recorded by AnjaliAngel ), American west

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    On cloud nine: Idioms and phrasal verbs to express happiness
    By Liz Walter

    My last post was all about sadness, so it is good to turn to a more cheerful subject: happiness.

    Let’s start with the phrase I’ve used in the title: on cloud nine. Nobody really knows the origins of this phrase – one theory is that it refers to the cumulonimbus cloud that was number nine in the ‘International Cloud Atlas’ and rises higher than all other clouds, while another relates to one of the stages of enlightenment in Buddhist thought. Still, it’s enough to know that if you are on cloud nine, you are extremely happy. In fact, you are in seventh heaven (from the belief in some religions that there are seven levels of heaven, the seventh being the highest).

    Several other happiness idioms rely on the metaphorical idea of being in a very high place. We can say that we are walking/floating on air, on top of the world or over the moon. Similarly, something that makes you feel happier is said to lift your spirits.

    Moving away from height metaphors, In British and Australian English, we can say (rather sweetly, I always think) that someone in a generally happy mood is full of the joys of spring. If you are extremely pleased about something that has happened, you can say that you can’t believe your luck. In British English, we also say that we are thrilled to bits.

    If someone has been sad but becomes more cheerful, we say that they cheer up or perk up. Something that brightens up your day makes you feel happier, and if you revel in a situation or an activity, you get great pleasure from it.

    There are several rather strange similes connected with happiness: Brits and Australians are as happy as Larry or as happy as a sandboy and Americans are as happy as a clam. It is thought that ‘Larry’ is the undefeated boxer Larry Foley (1849-1917), and that ‘sandboys’ were youths whose job was to deliver sand for the floors of inns, and who were ‘happy’ because they were often rewarded with alcohol! The American version is probably a shortening of ‘as happy as a clam at high tide’, i.e. when no longer exposed to predators. All of these phrases are slightly old-fashioned now.

    If someone is happy in an enthusiastic and lively way, we can say they are like a dog with two tails, and if they have a self-satisfied air, they are like the cat that got the cream. More crudely, if someone looks completely comfortable and happy in a situation, they are like a pig in muck.

    Do let me know if you can think of any other nice happiness phrases, or any interesting ones from your own language. Since you have asked, I will add two more phrases: I am just ducky and also hunky dory!

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  • The Internet & Travel ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    The Internet & Travel

    Topic: People today often use the internet to learn about the culture of other countries. This means that it is not that important to travel to those countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Model answer:

    The fact that many people today use the internet to experience other countries means that it is no longer as important to actually travel to those nations. In my opinion, though travel has its benefits, this is largely true.

    Proponents of travel often claim that real-life experience trumps virtual experience. Compare, for instance, the recent Google Museum project which catalogues collections from famous museums in high-resolution photos available to anyone with internet access. This is no doubt a positive development but it pales in comparison to the experience of walking through the Louvre and seeing the brushstrokes up close, going on a guided tour, and talking with other museum-goers. This holds true for a variety of experiences that are enhanced by being physically present in the moment.

    Although there are good reasons to continue to travel on occasion, the internet allows people to access the majority of the experience remotely. The most salient example of this is the ubiquity of YouTube for internet users around the world. A child from an impoverished background, who still has internet access, probably cannot travel to other countries but they can watch travel documentaries, vlogs, and archived television shows that show cultures around the world. The makers of these videos not only bring their experience but also aggregate the most noteworthy events and individuals that even the most adventurous traveller would have difficulty finding the time to locate.

    To conclude, travelling still plays a role in life but the internet has largely replaced its primary importance in life. There will come a time when the virtual world too fully overcomes the physical but for the moment it is still beneficial.

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  • Ideal Society ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Ideal Society

    Topic: People have historically attempted to achieve a perfect society. However, it is difficult to decide what a perfect society would be like. What would be the most important element of an ideal society? What can normal people do to make society more perfect?

    Model answer:

    The best way to improve our society is a topic of understandable concern for all governments and citizens. In my opinion, the key to this is increased tolerance of difference and people can take the individual step of examining their own beliefs in order to not pass ingrained prejudices on to the next generation.

    The most momentous shifts in society in recent centuries have involved progress related to tolerance of different types of people. The original pilgrims left England to found new colonies in order to have religious freedom to worship as they wished. Racism and slavery in the 19th century were a direct result of considering one group of people separate. The most recent example is the movement to be more accepting of a variety of sexualities. These have all made society more perfect and their evolution and nascent spread throughout the world will allow the greatest number of people to enjoy a full range of freedoms and opportunities.

    To achieve the more open society mentioned above, individuals can closely evaluate their beliefs and try to impart more tolerant values to the younger generation. A good example of this can be seen in the embracing of gay marriage by many in the last decade. In the 20th century, it was political suicide to support gay marriage. However, people began to question the rationale for denying this basic human right. Now, most schools and parents teach their children about alternative lifestyles, and it is much more common to see LGBT couples in popular culture. This is one step towards a utopian, inclusive society free of prejudice.

    In conclusion, the movement to accept more diverse elements of society is already underway. With continued effort, it is reasonable to expect a generally positive attitude towards all people in the coming years, though this progressivism will vary widely from country to country.

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  • Medical Testing ( recorded by JimBob2066 ), American

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    Medical Testing

    Topic: Some people say that it is acceptable to test medicine intended for people on animals. Others, however, believe that it is not right to use animals in this research. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Model answer:

    Many believe that using animals for scientific testing purposes is fundamentally immoral, while others see it as a necessary evil. In my opinion, even though it is decidedly unethical, the overall impact on human progress justifies its continuance.

    Detractors of animal testing often point out that animals have rights. We would never condone this type of testing on a human, even with a low IQ, and it follows that we should treat animals with some measure of respect. The strongest argument supporting this is the level of cruelty involved in animal testing. Many drugs tested on animals have painful side effects, and the test subjects may die slow, painful deaths. Testing in non-essential medical fields such as cosmetics is unjustifiable.

    Despite the moral quagmire detailed above, I believe animal testing does enough to advance medical testing to warrant its use. Some cursory research will reveal the importance of animal testing in diabetic medicine, cancer research, experimental surgery, and stem cells. Testing insulin for people with diabetes on dogs may be the most well-known example of this kind of impactful research. Many other advances in medicine often attributed to animal testing have saved countless human lives to the extent that it would be impossible if researchers were working under human test subjects' moral constraints.

    In conclusion, animal testing is the best way to make breakthroughs in medicine and should be strongly encouraged. Governments should work with medical institutions to implement more medical testing on animals across the board.

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  • Changing Jobs ( recorded by JimBob2066 ), American

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    Changing Jobs

    Topic: The job market today is very competitive, and it is best to choose a career or field of study early to get a good job later in life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Model answer:
    Today’s hyper-competitive job market encourages parents and educators to push specialization at increasingly earlier ages. Although choosing a career early on is a safe option, it will not produce the best results, in my opinion.

    Opting for a career from an early age has become so prevalent because it affords people a sense of security that is at least somewhat justified. In Vietnam, the vast majority of High School graduates are pushed early by their parents into safe fields like finance and the sciences. Good mathematical acumen, diligence, and logical thinking are examples of hard skills required for these fields. The theory behind specialization is that learning these skills when young will offer a head start over peers. These skills will then continue through college and into the job market.

    It is difficult to dispute the above logic; however, recent research has shown that having a breadth of knowledge and experience is a much better predictor of future success. A recent book by David Epstein titled ‘Range’ debunked the commonly held belief that early specialization is safer. The majority of leaders in their fields experimented with many subject areas and professions before settling on one. The early specializers were the exceptions and are therefore not a good model to imitate. Epstein argues that experience in multiple fields helps you make connections and learn a diverse range of skills that you can later bring to your chosen profession.

    In conclusion, having a range of experience is more important than locking yourself into a field of study early to enhance later career options. Universities ought to shift to adopt some of the principles of liberal arts schools to better prepare graduates for an uncertain future world economy.

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  • My Family’s Weekend (for 4th graders) ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    My Family’s Weekend

    I like weekends because I have a lot of free time with my mom and dad. My mom often cooks a lot of delicious food for us. She can make cakes, pizzas and potato chips. My dad likes reading stories to me and I like it, too. We often watch films at home. But sometimes we go to the cinema when we have more time. I like my weekends so much. I love my mom and dad the most.

  • My Family’s Weekend (for 4th graders) ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    My Family’s Weekend

    I like weekends because I have a lot of free time with my mom and dad. My mom often cooks a lot of delicious food for us. She can make cakes, pizzas and potato chips. My dad likes reading stories to me, and I like it, too. We often watch films at home. But sometimes we go to the cinema when we have more time. I like my weekends so much. I love my mom and dad the most.

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