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English Recordings

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  • Irregular Past Simple Form ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Fill in the verbs in irregular past simple form.

    1) drive – drove: My mum drove me to the mall with my sister this morning.

    2) find – found: The bag was lost, but my aunt found it after that.

    3) make – made: Amy made breakfast for her father on Father’s Day.

    4) see – saw: My grandfather saw an eagle in the park yesterday.

    5) speak – spoke: She spoke to the teacher about the bully.

    6) give – gave: John gave his sister a doll for her birthday.

    7) eat – ate: My brother ate two bowls of rice after the marathon.

    8) write – wrote: Lucy wrote a letter to her relative overseas.

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  • The New House ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    The New House

    My name’s Jack and I live with my mum and dad and my younger sister, Daisy. She’s five. Last week, we moved to a new house. Dad said, “It’s got a great garden.” Daisy was very excited. But I didn’t want to go because my best friend lived in the old house next to ours.

    Last Saturday, a big truck came to our house. Two men carried our things, including three boxes of my toys and comics, to the truck. They were working, having sandwiches, talking and laughing. Finally, they closed the doors of the truck. There was nothing in our house. I felt sad. Daisy cried, but I didn’t.

    Dad drove us to our new house. It was a big house in the countryside. Mum went in and shouted, “Jack, come and see your new bedroom.” I ran upstairs. My room was at the top of the house. I looked out of the window and saw a field with sheep and cows. Then, I looked at the house next to ours. It had a swimming pool, and there was a boy in it – I thought he would be my new friend!

  • The New House ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    The New House

    My name’s Jack and I live with my mum and dad and my younger sister, Daisy. She’s five. Last week, we moved to a new house. Dad said, “It’s got a great garden.” Daisy was very excited. But I didn’t want to go because my best friend lived in the old house next to ours.

    Last Saturday, a big truck came to our house. Two men carried our things, including three boxes of my toys and comics, to the truck. They were working, having sandwiches, talking and laughing. Finally, they closed the doors of the truck. There was nothing in our house. I felt sad. Daisy cried, but I didn’t.

    Dad drove us to our new house. It was a big house in the countryside. Mum went in and shouted, “Jack, come and see your new bedroom.” I ran upstairs. My room was at the top of the house. I looked out of the window and saw a field with sheep and cows. Then, I looked at the house next to ours. It had a swimming pool, and there was a boy in it – I thought he would be my new friend!

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