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  • Greg, the kitten (for 4th graders) (Pupil's Book, p40) ( recorded by Skinny ), British

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    This is my kitten. His name is Greg. He has short legs. He likes to play with pegs. He likes to eat fish, too. He can roll a ball.

    1) Who is this?
    → This is a kitten.

    2) Is the kitten a he or a she?
    → The kitten is a he.

    3) What is the name of the kitten?
    → His name is Greg.

    4) Are the kitten’s legs long?
    → No, they aren’t. The kitten has got short legs.

    5) What does the kitten like to play with?
    → He likes to play with pegs.

    6) What does the kitten like to eat?
    → He likes to eat fish.

    7) What can the kitten do?
    → He can roll a ball.

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  • Recycling ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Topic: Most agree that we should be training children to recycle waste to preserve the Earth’s natural resources. However, some believe that it is parents who should teach their children to recycle waste while others feel schools are more responsible. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Model answer:

    The general sentiment in most quarters is that recycling is an integral part of combatting climate change and most debate now circles around whether parents or teachers should be most responsible. In my opinion, schools reach the largest number of children overall.

    Many believe that instilling values is a parental right. Parents have the basic right to influence their children according to their own beliefs. For example, a Muslim living in a Christian country will likely still follow many Islamic traditions. Even if the child learns implicitly or explicitly about Judeo-Christian tenets in school, the parents have a right to raise their child in the manner they think is most culturally fitting. This also applies to recycling, though it is hardly a matter of subjective belief to most informed citizens today.

    Despite the rare potential parents who may be against recycling, schools should be where recycling is taught because government mandates will reach all children. There is simply no way to legislate every single family to make their children recycle, but this can be easily enacted in schools. A good example of this would be in Japan, where school children take an active role in cleaning and separating their own rubbish for recycling. Not only does this make a huge difference in and of itself, but it is also a nationally comprehensive approach to fostering life-long environmentally conscious habits across an entire generation.

    In conclusion, schools are more likely to have a larger impact on recycling habits, and therefore this is their responsibility. Governments ought to make recycling one of their top educational priorities in the future as part of a cohesive plan to better the environment.

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  • Academic/Practical Knowledge ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Academic/Practical Knowledge

    Topic: Students should be primarily taught academic subjects so that they can pass exams, and practical skills such as cooking should not be taught. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Model answer:

    Many educators today feel pressure to teach to the test and emphasise academic subjects over more practical ones. In my opinion, this approach is overtly short-sighted, and practical skills play an important role in a well-rounded education.

    Those who support a singular focus on academics can point to its tangible outcome in higher test scores. A good example of this would be accelerating academic progress at inner-city schools. There have been numerous reforms in the last several decades to help the poorest performing districts catch up. The results have been uneven at times but overall more students from impoverished or troubled backgrounds can now go to college, often being the first person in their family to do so. Passing exams has the very real benefit of giving them opportunities outside of menial work and, in the most extreme cases, crime.

    Though there might be a case for overemphasis on academics in select districts, learning practical skills is an important part of becoming an all-around person. Those who possess certain skills, such as a sharp memory and logical thinking, will perform better in academics like math and physics. This means that these skills are rewarded and may become over-developed at the expense of skills related to practical work such as spatial thinking and multi-tasking. Graduates who know how to please their teachers and get good grades in academic subjects will find themselves lacking in real-world skills. Adding in practical skills goes a long way towards making this a reality.

    In conclusion, the argument for academics only applies to niche segments of society, and learning practical skills has tremendous benefits. Schools should find ways to balance both despite external pressure from the government and parents for the reductive measure of higher marks.

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  • Hunger ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Topic: Some people believe that education is the key to tackling hunger worldwide while others feel that the answer is in food aid. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Model answer:

    Many feel that education is the best way to tackle hunger while others feel that immediate food aid is a better solution. As far as I’m concerned, education is clearly the better long-term remedy.

    Many charities are active in food aid efforts because of their clear impact in emergency situations. A good example of this would be famines in sub-Saharan African nations. These are caused by unpredictable weather conditions and coupled with governmental instability can result in mass malnutrition and even death. It is impossible to deal with the sources of these famines over time but food aid addresses its symptoms and keeps actual people alive now. The tangible results of this kind of aid are the strongest arguments in its favour.

    Although the above-mentioned methods are appropriate in emergencies, they do little to disrupt the underlying causes of hunger. If people are better educated then they can get better jobs and hunger disappears as a problem. There may be other relevant economic realities, such as the unemployment rate, that need addressing but education will still go a long way to eradicating hunger. Education can also help in regions that are prone to hunger as farmers will be able to develop better agricultural methods. Simply put, if citizens have good jobs, there is little real threat of hunger even under exceptional circumstances.

    In conclusion, although food aid has its use, I feel education is a clearly better option. Governments ought to divert more resources into education to see world hunger ended over the course of the next century.

323 Words / 1 Comments
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