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  • Responsibility, Society, and Taxes ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Responsibility, Society, and Taxes

    Topic: Some people think that paying taxes is their only responsibility towards society while others feel that everyone should do more. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Model answer:

    Many are of the opinion that taxpayers are fulfilling their obligations to society at large while others feel that responsibility extends beyond a financial contribution to the government. In my opinion, paying taxes greatly helps fund social programs but individuals have little choice but to do more if they also want to think highly of themselves.

    The main reason that many see taxes as enough is the far-reaching impact of tax dollars. Take some well-run European socialist countries such as France for example. In France, there are social welfare programs underpinning their progressive society such as maternity leave for new mothers, world-renowned unemployment benefits, top-notch schools, not to mention more basic services like police, fire, and infrastructure maintenance. These are the direct result of taxes and though their net effect varies by implementation in various countries, they are clearly the foundation of stable societies globally.

    Despite the discernible impact of taxes, individuals are responsible for their daily decisions related to society. Every job will touch on, with varying degrees of strength, society. A doctor who takes his job seriously, rather than simply trying to push new drugs or unnecessary tests to drive up premiums, helps families in their most dire situations. Even a cashier has a role to play. They can do their job responsibly with a positive attitude and send out other people into society with a good impression or contribute to the rising tide of cynicism in today’s culture. These actions are unavoidable and anyone who feels the need to think of themselves as a good person has no choice but to take up a larger role in making society a better place to live.

    In conclusion, though taxes are part of what a person owes to society, they will necessarily also have a positive or negative day-to-day impact. People should rightly see their contributions as essentially self-interested excuses to feel good about themselves.

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  • Social Networking Sites ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Social Networking Sites

    Topic: Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Model answer:

    The advent of social networking sites, mainly Facebook and Instagram, in the early decades of the 21st century have transformed the ways that people interact with their friends and community. I am in complete agreement that they have had a negative overall impact on both individuals and society.

    Social networking sites hurt individuals by replacing more active forms of enjoyment with transitory, unhealthy self-esteem boosts. In the past, people were more likely to take up an active hobby such as painting, playing a sport or learning a musical instrument. Over time those hobbies increase self-esteem, provide hours of enjoyment, and can be seen as active and healthy to varying degrees. Facebook and Instagram replace not only the time spent on worthwhile hobbies but users also get stuck in a feedback loop which gives them temporary bursts of dopamine in place of longer-lasting feelings of accomplishment.

    Just as social media has undoubtedly hurt individuals, it has also taken its toll on society. It is a common refrain to hear older people complaining about how generations today are narcissists, glued to their phones. There is an element of truth in this. Social networking sites, coupled with smartphones, allow people to withdraw and be anonymous in public places. Over time people will come to feel they have less in common with their fellow man and society will become fragmented and more insular with deeply complex political, individual and social consequences.

    In conclusion, the rise of social networking platforms has hurt individuals and society greatly. In order to combat this, governments and parents should at least better regulate their availability to children and young teens.

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