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English Recordings

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  • Music and charity ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    My name is Lucy Logan and I’m a professional violin player. Playing the violin has permitted me to lead a successful life and to travel all around the world. I owe all my success to my parents.
    Today I want to pass on some of the love and support they gave me. With ‘Classical Music for All’, a non-profit music organisation, we help children who have lost everything because of war – their family, their home, their future. The concerts we give and the albums we record help to collect money for schools and orphanages. Our music can help children live a better life, away from the horrors of war. And you can help too. Each concert ticket or CD that you buy allows victims of war to start a new life.

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  • Justin's email ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Hi Gran!
    How are you? I am in London for four days and I'm staying at my penfriend's, Bruce. He is very nice and his
    parents are great and I'm having a wonderful time.
    On the first day, we left his house early in the morning and we took the tube to the Tower of London. It's the
    oldest castle in London and we saw the Crown Jewels. It was nice and we saw Tower Bridge from the castle. Then
    we went to St Paul's Cathedral but we didn't visit it because it was quite expensive (£15). However, we visited the
    Tate Modern. It's a great and very interesting museum. The building is ugly but the collections inside are so
    amazing. Bruce took me to a great place for lunch and we ate fish and chips (it was soooooo delicious!).
    After that, we took the boat to Westminster but we didn't go to London Eye because it was closed. I was a bit
    disappointed. Finally, we skated in Hyde Park, which is the biggest park in London. It was awesome!
    We were lucky because the weather was sunny and not too cold!! We had such a good time! We came back
    home around 6pm and drank tea. In the evening Bruce's parents took us to the theatre and we saw a good play.
    The sets were so impressive! I was very exhausted at the end of the day so I slept late.
    Unfortunately yesterday it rained all day long. So we spent the morning at the British Museum. It's a free
    museum and I saw incredible Egyptian mummies. We didn't go to the National Gallery because Bruce said it was
    very boring. So after that, we took a double-decker bus to Covent Garden. It is a very crowded market where you
    can eat in nice restaurants and do some shopping. I bought many souvenirs and presents for all of you there J
    and I found a great t-shirt for only £5 (it's really cheap!). I also wrote and sent a postcard to my best friend.
    Today we're going to the Warner Bros Studios and visit the sets of Harry Potter. I'm so excited because I'm such a
    huge fan!!!
    Lots of love,

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  • Ghosts, coughs and daughters (pronunciation) ( recorded by MrA ), australian

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  • Falling out, lashing out and blurting out ( recorded by jcwash ), unspecified accent

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