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  • Favorite destination, Questions ( recorded by erso9 ), American, Mexican

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  • Annoying stuff ( recorded by Cats ), Canadian

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    Describe something which you find very annoying

    What is it?
    Why does it annoy you?
    How do other people feel about it?

    This is an extremely easy question for me to answer, as the thing I find incredibly annoying is smoking. I have never smoked in my life and am actually allergic to it. I regard people who smoke as selfish and self-centred. I am so strongly against it that I believe it should be totally outlawed. I doubt this would ever happen though because people would say ‘you can’t ban it, what about people’s human rights?’ What about the non-smokers’ human rights though? A few years ago smoking was banned in restaurants, pubs, etc and I actually think this has exacerbated the situation. Nowadays when you walk past an office, shop, pub, any building, in fact, you are confronted by smokers breathing out stale cigarette smoke. Passive smoking has therefore increased substantially. Another thing about it that I find exceedingly annoying is that smokers always smell of stale smoke so if you are sitting next to one all you can smell is the smoke on their clothes. People are generally split on this issue – people who smoke feel that they have an absolute right to smoke and that removing this right from them is totally against their human rights; the non-smokers, on the other hand, feel that they have a right to breathe in fresh air rather than second-hand smoke. It is very difficult to find a compromise in this situation. I think that smokers and the government feel that they have reached a compromise by banning smoking in workplaces, however, I would still argue that this does not go far enough. Increasing the cost of cigarettes seems to have had little effect, as there are still many smokers and there seems to be a great number of young people who are taking up this disgusting habit. The ideal situation for me would be a worldwide ban, but sadly I am convinced this will never happen.

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  • Traditional ceremony, Questions ( recorded by deleted ), unspecified accent

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    We have been talking about a traditional ceremony and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    EXPLAIN why ceremonies are so important to a society

    Traditional ceremonies are an integral part of the oral traditions, folklore and culture of the nation passed on from generation to generation. Such traditional cultural events provide the opportunity for children, youth and visitors to assimilate the country’s values and beliefs. Ceremonies enable inhabitants to fully participate in culture and heritage of the country.

    CONSIDER how the importance of culture and tradition can be taught to young people who may not be interested in it

    It is important to integrate cultural events into schools so that children get interested at a young age and (ADDED: teachers need to) make it fun for them. A lot of traditions have rituals or routines and young kids love this. For example, when I was young I loved the rituals in church and although it had very little meaning for me, I would enjoy going and participating. Children love to feel like they belong and therefore the earlier you do things the better.

    DESCRIBE how ceremonies in your country have changed

    As I have previously mentioned the traditional wedding ceremony has changed from something which was about two people in love joining together into something which is about spending as much as possible to impress other people. It is like people are trying to outdo each other. Other ceremonies have changed too, for example, baptisms. In the past people went to church and their children were baptized. Nowadays it is just a photo opportunity and the vast majority of people who get their children baptized do not even go to church.

    SPECULATE on how ceremonies may change in the future

    I [reckon CHANGED TO] predict that there will be even fewer ceremonies in the future. Couples will probably not even bother with the church ceremony and just jump straight into the photos to save a bit of money which can be spent on the bride’s hair and makeup. As societies are becoming more multicultural there will be even fewer events in schools for fear of offending another race or religion.

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  • Traditional ceremony ( recorded by Cats ), Canadian

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    Describe a traditional ceremony which you know well

    Where is the ceremony held?
    What is the purpose of the ceremony?
    What do you feel about it?

    A wedding is a traditional ceremony which is held in my country, although it is happening less and less now as a lot of couples are choosing to live together or have non-religious wedding ceremonies. A traditional wedding is held in a church, usually on a Saturday, although they can be held on other days of the week. On one half of the church sits the bride’s family and friends and on the other half the groom’s family and friends. The groom is the name we give the man getting married. Usually, the man arrives at the church before the bride and he has a best man who looks after the rings for him. The bride is then given away by her father. This means that her father walks her down the aisle and ‘gives her’ to her new husband. The couple exchange rings and repeat things that the vicar says. The ceremony usually lasts about 45 minutes and includes hymns (songs) that the couple has chosen and a few readings. I am a believer in marriage, however, I personally feel that the wedding ceremony has become more about the photographs, the dress, the flowers rather than the ceremony itself. It is estimated that weddings nowadays cost upwards of £15,000. A wedding in a church costs approximately £500 so a lot of money is being spent on all the extras, which I feel is not what the day is about. The day should be about the couple and their union of marriage rather than all the other stuff. I have been to a lot of weddings and the photographs have taken two hours and the guests are just left waiting. I cannot see any point in this at all. After the wedding ceremony, it is traditional to have a ‘reception’ which is a party after the wedding. A lot of people have a sit-down meal and there are usually speeches. This is where the groom or the bride’s father says something. Then often at night, more people are invited and there is a disco.

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  • Room, Questions ( recorded by Cats ), Canadian

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    We have been talking about a room and now I would like to ask you some more general questions relating to this topic.

    CONSIDER whether it is important for a child to have a room of her/his own

    As I have previously mentioned, when I was younger I shared a bedroom with my sister.
    hen I reached the age of five we got separate rooms. I think it was vitally important to share when we were young, as we formed a very strong bond, however as you get older I think it is vital to have your own space. I think this is particularly critical in the teenage years. Teenagers start to have many issues such as body issues when they reach the age of 13, therefore a room of their own is necessary.

    EXPLAIN how many rooms a typical family actually needs

    In this country, we seem to think that we need a bedroom for everyone, a kitchen, a dining room, two living rooms, a utility room, a bathroom, and an ensuite for everyone. However, if you look at countries like Africa they all live in one room and are extremely happy. I think in this country we have become obsessed with ‘personal space’ and people think their status is related to how big our house is. In reality, we only need a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom.

    CONSIDER whether there are any advantages for young children of sharing a room

    In this country, it is recommended that babies share their parents’ room for at least the first six months. I personally feel that it should be longer. The baby is carried around for nine months by the mother and then to leave it in a room alone seems cruel to me. If there are siblings, I think they should share a room at least until they are five. The major advantages of this are learning skills such as sharing, being considerate to other people’s needs, and cooperation.

    EXPLAIN how children develop their independence

    Independence develops from an early age. I would say that the first thing that starts is when a child learns how to use a spoon and feed him or herself. This is a significant development in children because they are progressing from being totally dependent on the mother to gaining some independence. The next stage is refusing food. This is a key development in childhood because they are learning that they can say no and they do not have to put everything in their mouth. If they do not go through this stage, then they will end up putting everything in their mouths. Further development includes things like walking and talking. Developing independence is a step-by-step process.

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