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English Recordings

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  • Daily Routine Dictations ( recorded by MATHPUNK ), Canadian

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    Sebastian always tidies his room in the morning but he never hoovers. He sometimes does the gardening after school.

    Sarah sometimes washes the car with her dad but she never puts the shopping away. She feeds the dog every morning and she sometimes waters the plants.

    Matt usually puts the shopping away and he sometimes goes to the supermarket with his dad. He cleans the windows on Wednesdays.

    Noah never waters the plants or does the gardening because he doesn't like plants but he always does the washing-up and he usually sets the table.

    Zoe always washes her pet and she usually takes him out but she never empties the dishwasher. She sometimes sets the table.

  • Daily Routine Dictations ( recorded by TheLilyLiveredDuke ), American

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  • daily routine ( recorded by mrspalac ), American

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    Molly always makes her bed in the morning. She always has breakfast at 7:00 and she sometimes feeds her cat. She usually tidies her room but she never hoovers.

    Josh often does the cooking but he never goes to the supermarket. He always tidies his room and he sometimes makes his bed.

    Melinda sometimes takes the dog out but she never feeds him. She always empties the dishwasher and she usually irons her T-shirts. She often does the shopping.

    Pete loves gardening : he always does the gardening on Fridays and he waters the plants every day. He never tidies his room because he hates tidying his room but he makes his bed every morning. He sometimes empties the dishwasher.

    Sophia never does the washing-up but she always sets the table. She sometimes dusts and sweeps the floor and she washes her dog every Monday.

  • daily routine ( recorded by rbellisjr ), American

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    Molly always makes her bed in the morning. She always has breakfast at 7:00 and she sometimes feeds her cat. She usually tidies her room but she never lingers.

    Josh often does the cooking but he never goes to the supermarket. He always tidies his room and he sometimes makes his bed.

    Melinda sometimes takes the dog out but she never feeds him. She always empties the dishwasher and she usually irons her T-shirts. She often does the shopping.

    Pete loves gardening : he always does the gardening on Fridays and he waters the plants every day. He never tidies his room because he hates tidying his room but he makes his bed every morning. He sometimes empties the dishwasher.

    Sophia never washes the dishes but she always sets the table. She sometimes dusts and sweeps the floor and she gives her dog a bath every Monday.

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  • The United Kingdom ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    Food in the U.K.
    Popular food in the UK :
    - Fish and Chips : fish fingers with French fries
    - Black Pudding : sausage of pig's blood and fat that is mixed with spices and cooked or fried
    - Baked Beans on Toast : baked beans in tomato sauce are especially popular among children
    - Welsh Rarebit : baked toast with Cheddar cheese
    - Chicken Tikka : small pieces of chicken cooked using Indian spices and yogurt
    And as many of you might have guessed already : the British are big tea drinkers and are among the world's biggest tea consumers. Afternoon tea is taken around 4pm and 5pm in many families when children come home from school... Tea time !

    Wildlife :
    The largest mammal in the U.K. is the red deer. Various species of deer and rabbits are common in the UK. Badgers, foxes, hedgehogs live in the woodlands and forests, or on the isles.

    Sport :
    Curling : Curling is played by two teams of four players. Curling is a winter sport that is very popular in Scotland. Players on two teams slide large stones toward a circular goal at the opposite end of an ice field. The object of the game is for each team to get its stones closest to the center.
    Golf: Golf is an outdoor sport played with clubs and a small ball. It is played on a large, grassy area called a course. The goal is to finish playing the course with as few hits as possible.
    Netball : Netball is a sport played by two teams of seven. It is like basketball except that bouncing the ball is not allowed. The player cannot step with the ball either, nor hold it for more than three seconds. The game proceeds by players throwing (or passing) the ball to each other until one attempts to throw it through the hoop, known as a "shot".

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  • What does the queen like eating? ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    What does the Queen like eating?

    A former chef in the royal kitchens has revealed that “the Queen is not a foodie”. Here is what the queen typically eats.

    She enjoys eating some biscuits and drinking an Earl Grey tea (no milk, no sugar) as a pre-breakfast. Then, she usually eats cereal, yoghurt and she often chooses toasts with marmalade. She also likes maple syrup.

    A chef says that a typical lunch would be fish with vegetables. She often has spinach.

    Afternoon tea
    Her favourite cakes are honey and cream sponge, ginger cake and chocolate biscuit.
    She often has sandwiches with cucumber, smoked salmon, egg, mayonnaise or ham and mustard sandwiches. The queen also loves jam pennies (small raspberry jam sandwiches).
    Of course, she always takes her favourite Earl Grey tea.

    Evening meals for the queen consist of meat or fish.
    Finally, she enjoys white peaches, strawberries and other fresh fruit in summer

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  • Sports ( recorded by rnp2014 ), American English

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    Hello, my name is Emma and I'm from London. I really love sports. My favourite sport is baseball, but I also like playing basketball et doing judo. However, I don't like boxing because I think it's too violent. I often do gym with my best friend but I rarely play tennis. My favourite football team is Manchester United, they are the best. When you play football you must run very fast and respect the other players but you mustn't take the ball with your hands.

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  • My family (for 4th graders) ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    Ann, my sister, works at a library. She always gets up at 5:30. Then she brushes her teeth and washes her face. She gets dressed and has breakfast at 6 o’clock. She usually wears a red dress. Today is Sunday. My sister and I are getting up at 5 o’clock. She will make a cake, and I will draw a picture of my family on the card for our dad. He will be glad. We love him so much.

  • My family (for 4th graders) ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    Ann, my sister, works at a library. She always gets up at 5:30. Then she brushes her teeth and washes her face. She get dressed and has breakfast at 6 o’clock. She usually wears a red dress. Today is Sunday. My sister and I are getting up at 5 o’clock. She will make a cake, and I will draw a picture of my family on the card for our dad. He will be glad. We love him so much.


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