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  • An Introduction to Hollywood 1 ( recorded by MimiMeera ), American(USA)

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    PART 1: Geography and tourism
    Hollywood, also called Tinseltown, (tinsel meaning a sparkly Christmas garland) is a district within the city of Los Angeles, California, U.S.A, whose name is synonymous with the American film industry. Since the early 1900s, moviemaking pioneers found in southern California an ideal mix of mild climate, sunshine, varied landscape, as well as a large and cheap work force. Since then, the image of Hollywood as the fabricator of tinseled cinematic dreams has been engraved worldwide.

    The most visible symbol of the district is the white-lettered Hollywood sign which is located on the hills and overlooks the entire area. First built in 1923 (a new sign was erected in 1978), the sign originally said “Hollywoodland” (to advertise new homes being developed in the area), but the sign fell into disrepair, and the “land” section was removed in the 1940s when the sign was repaired.

    The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a street which comprises more than 2,690 five-pointed stars embedded in the sidewalks along 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in Hollywood, California. The Walk of Fame pays tribute to many celebrities.

    The stars are permanent public monuments to achievement in the entertainment industry, bearing the names of a mix of singers and musicians like Michael Jackson, actors like Marylin Monroe, directors like Steven Spielberg, producers, and even fictional characters like Mickey Mouse. Disney Studios elevated the cartoon character Mickey Mouse into what was probably the most universally recognized icon of the 20th century.

    This Hollywood attraction had 10 million visitors in 2010.

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  • her dilemma: do I let my employer microchip me? ( recorded by calicat ), American

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