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  • Buildings: Purpose vs Art ( recorded by elliot62 ), American, Southwest neutral

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    Topic: It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?

    Model essay:

    Buildings, not very different from other commodities, perform various functions and serve the varying needs of their users. At the centre of the controversy is whether the purposes of a building should be placed above its aesthetical values. As far as I am concerned, these two qualities are not conflicting, but mutually beneficial.
    In a modern society aesthetical considerations are no longer thought of as insignificant or luxurious but have been integrated as a core function of a building. People have comprehensive requirements for a building. No longer limited to such ordinary functions such as safety, durability, space, and access to facilities, their interests involve decorative details and visual qualities, including ornamentation and furnishings. In simple terms, a pedestrian-looking building is bound to mismatch the trend of the market.

    Meanwhile, it is worth mentioning that some types of buildings are broadly expected by the public to possess aesthetical values. Standard examples include restaurants, theatres, churches and so forth. A building falling in these categories desires a design of originality and rarity, aiming to distinguish itself from other constructions of its kind or those in its surroundings. Architects’ inspirations add values to the building and increase its marketability. Many buildings have become symbolic in the city or region where they are located.

    When being concerned with the aesthetic aspect of architecture, people should consider economic feasibility. The focus on the exterior of a building alone will lead to the increase in construction cost, making such an endeavour unjustified. In those cities where overpopulation continues to be a problem and many people can't afford housing, whether a building looks beautiful would not be taken seriously. In that situation, the rationale is to accommodate a huge population, rather than simply please the eye.

    Based on the arguments outlined above, adding visual appeal to a building is consistent with the needs of a modern society. However, it does not mean that the concern on aesthetics should be at the expense of a building’s practical functions; on the contrary, a building should be the result of the delicate balance between the two ideals.

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  • Why we need to protect polar bears ( recorded by lchapm ), Received Pronunciation

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    Why we need to protect polar bears

    Polar bears are being increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change, but their disappearance could have far-reaching consequences. They are uniquely adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can reach –40°C. One reason for this is that they have up to 11 centimetres of fat underneath their skin. Humans with comparative levels of adipose tissue would be considered obese and would be likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease. Yet the polar bear experiences no such consequences.

    A 2014 study by Shi Ping Liu and colleagues sheds light on this mystery. They compared the genetic structure of polar bears with that of their closest relatives from a warmer climate, the brown bears. This allowed them to determine the genes that have allowed polar bears to survive in one of the toughest environments on Earth. Liu and his colleagues found the polar bears had a gene known as APoB, which reduces levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) – a form of ‘bad’ cholesterol. In humans, mutations of this gene are associated with increased risk of heart disease. Polar bears may therefore be an important study model to understand heart disease in humans.

    The genome of the polar bear may also provide the solution for another condition, one that particularly affects our older generation: osteoporosis. This is a disease where bones show reduced density, usually caused by insufficient exercise, reduced calcium intake or food starvation. Bone tissue is constantly being remodelled, meaning that bone is added or removed, depending on nutrient availability and the stress that the bone is under. Female polar bears, however, undergo extreme conditions during every pregnancy. Once autumn comes around, these females will dig maternity dens in the snow and will remain there throughout the winter, both before and after the birth of their cubs. This process results in about six months of fasting, where the female bears have to keep themselves and their cubs alive, depleting their own calcium and calorie reserves. Despite this, their bones remain strong and dense.

    Physiologists Alanda Lennox and Allen Goodship found an explanation for this paradox in 2008. They discovered that pregnant bears were able to increase the density of their bones before they started to build their dens. In addition, six months later, when they finally emerged from the den with their cubs, there was no evidence of significant loss of bone density. Hibernating brown bears do not have this capacity and must therefore resort to major bone reformation in the following spring. If the mechanism of bone remodelling in polar bears can be understood, many bedridden humans, and even astronauts, could potentially benefit.

    The medical benefits of the polar bear for humanity certainly have their importance in our conservation efforts, but these should not be the only factors taken into consideration. We tend to want to protect animals we think are intelligent and possess emotions, such as elephants and primates. Bears, on the other hand, seem to be perceived as stupid and in many cases violent. And yet anecdotal evidence from the field challenges those assumptions, suggesting for example that polar bears have good problem-solving abilities. A male bear called GoGo in Tennoji Zoo, Osaka, has even been observed making use of a tool to manipulate his environment. The bear used a tree branch on multiple occasions to dislodge a piece of meat hung out of his reach. Problem-solving ability has also been witnessed in wild polar bears, although not as obviously as with GoGo. A calculated move by a male bear involved running and jumping onto barrels in an attempt to get to a photographer standing on a platform four metres high.

    In other studies, such as one by Alison Ames in 2008, polar bears showed deliberate and focussed manipulation. For example, Ames observed bears putting objects in piles and then knocking them over in what appeared to be a game. The study demonstrates that bears are capable of agile and thought-out behaviours. These examples suggest bears have greater creativity and problem-solving abilities than previously thought.

    As for emotions, while the evidence is once again anecdotal, many bears have been seen to hit out at ice and snow – seemingly out of frustration – when they have just missed out on a kill. Moreover, polar bears can form unusual relationships with other species, including playing with the dogs used to pull sleds in the Arctic. Remarkably, one hand-raised polar bear called Agee has formed a close relationship with her owner Mark Dumas to the point where they even swim together. This is even more astonishing since polar bears are known to actively hunt humans in the wild.

    If climate change were to lead to their extinction, this would mean not only the loss of potential breakthroughs in human medicine, but more importantly, the disappearance of an intelligent, majestic animal.

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  • HEAVILY POTENTIALLY BLATANTLY ( recorded by elliot62 ), American, Southwest neutral

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    Once again, members of parliament were seen blatantly flouting the very same rules which they themselves have introduced.
    The rapid expansion of the money supply could potentially result in inflation.
    Our soldiers were heavily outnumbered, so they were ordered to fall back.
    My niece attends a private school, but the tuition fees are astronomically high.
    I don’t think it’s strictly necessary to complete all parts of the homework.
    Several civilians were seriously wounded during the bombardment.
    The same suspect has been heavily implicated in a series of robberies.
    I don’t think it’s strictly true that CO2 is a potentially dangerous gas.
    During the interview, the candidate blatantly lied about his work experience.
    The ongoing corona restrictions have seriously hampered our firm’s chances of survival.

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  • Polyglot English 01 ( recorded by tmcgee7 ), American

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  • Polyglot English 01 ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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  • Polyglot English 01 ( recorded by nomadicvegan ), American

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    Where do you live?

    I live in Canada

    In which town do you live?

    I'm in Toronto

    Where are you from?

    I'm from Germany

    Are you from Canada?

    Are you Canadian?

    No. I am German

    Did you live in France?

    I lived in France for 6 years

    Were you born in France?

    I was born in Perpignan

    Do you know Japan?

    I lived in Tokyo for 3 months

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