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English Recordings

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  • London, Leicester and Lincoln: Pronouncing English place names ( recorded by ADILJAVED ), american

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  • Making an effort and telling a joke: avoiding common errors with collocations ( recorded by Scar_Bear ), American

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  • Gender Imbalance ( recorded by PabLoLA ), American

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    Topic: Gender imbalance has long been a general phenomenon not only in the labour market but also in formal education. Some analysts argue that it is impossible to eliminate the misrepresentation of women in some subjects in the university. Do you agree or disagree?

    Model essay:

    Although gender equality is widely promoted at modern colleges, females are still misrepresented in some subjects. Some people tend to treat it as a persistent problem, believing that the root of this problem is not in the university, but should be seen in a wider context. This conclusion is cursory and should be reviewed in today’s society.

    The first point to note is that females have made a lot of inroads into fields that have been traditionally dominated by men. To serve in the army was, for instance, the exclusive right of males, but today, more women have been enlisted. Many would consider the army as the most ideally “men only” profession. If females can make a success of it, they can succeed in every other field. The ascendancy of women has been seen in the surge in their prominent positions in society and in the traditional blue-collar business world. Women should not be considered unqualified or incapable of any university subject.

    Universities that provide a gender-fair environment see benefits for both students and faculty. Historically, the gender imbalance at colleges has isolated students from the real world, where there is a high chance of dealing with females rather than just males. The tension or conflict between the sexes in the university environment only allows students to exercise their ability to work with peers of the opposite sex. Faculty gets the chance to address the problem of gender inequality and discrimination, which has characterized campuses for decades. This results in a better learning environment, and thus a more highly regarded university.

    Despite what has been discussed, it should be admitted that to put gender equality into practice is a complex task. There are a number of hurdles a female applicant has to overcome in the pursuit of academic objectives, and the first is from family. Traditional families often feel reluctant to support their daughters’ quest for higher education. The idea that university is mainly for men to learn a trade to support their wives and family remains prevalent. The women’s role is being defined as supporting their husband through performing menial tasks of life.

    In conclusion, achieving a gender balance in the university is no longer an unachievable aim at the present time. While the competence of women has widely been recognized by their male colleagues in a wide range of occupations, the balance between men and women in an academic environment is deemed as a necessity. Although problems such as gender prejudice and favouritism continue to prevent women’s full participation in some subjects, these problems are losing their leverage.

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  • Advertising ( recorded by fuglyfeebas ), American

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    Topic: The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising but not the real need of the society where such products are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Model essay:

    Advertising is well-known as a method of promotion, a method used by corporations to introduce their products and services to the market, attract the eye of consumers and increase sales. Critics of advertising argue that advertising is the main drive of skyrocketing sales of particular products and services. This includes influencing consumers to purchase what they do not actually need in their daily lives. This contention is self-evident.

    Advertisements conquer the audience mainly by sending them a message that they are lacking a specific brand or product that is likely to make them acceptable or even distinguished individuals in society. The advertisements for medicine, dietary supplement and other life-enhancing products provide a typical example. Targeting the buyers that are doubtful or worried about health, advertisers have sought to encourage them to believe that they are threatened by such problems as malnutrition or a dysfunction of any part of their bodies. With a lack of the knowledge in this field, the audience will rush to buy the advertised products. Such cases are ever-present, and the audience expects an immediate positive outcome – disregarding other solutions.

    Advertising also works to create a best-seller image for a newly-marketed product. The audience is tempted to buy it in the hope that they can thus become one of the eyewitnesses and participants of a fad. It is not uncommon that cell phone users replace their phones every year, although the phone they have abandoned is still in usable condition. They might not actually need to make purchases so frequently, but advertising urges them to do so. The power of advertising has too often been abused by advertisers, who tend to give an exaggerated account of the popularity of a product, soon after the product is marketed. So gullible are some buyers that they are driven to immediately buy it without a second thought. With the number of buyers growing, it will evolve into a buying craze.

    In conclusion, people should stay alert to the influence advertising has on their decision making process. As indicated above, advertising has twisted the information about what product is needed, or what product is favored, thereby driving people to make unreasonable buying decisions.


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