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English Recordings

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  • Sentence: I'm gonna give you to the count of three. ( recorded by Owain78 ), London, Neapolitan

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  • Sentence: I'm gonna give you to the count of three. ( recorded by JJgramm ), American accent

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  • Sentence: I'm gonna give you to the count of three. ( recorded by alyeliapp ), American

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  • Sentence: I'm gonna give you to the count of three. ( recorded by JabberVox ), North American Standard

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  • Sentence: I'm gonna give you to the count of three. ( recorded by TomBushaw ), American

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  • Story about a thing ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    My wife Margaret and I were sitting behind a rock on the top of a mountain in the Highlands one day, with nobody else around, perfectly silent, and Margaret said, 'I just heard a telephone bell ringing.'
    'Oh,' I said, 'Margaret, there are no telephone kiosks up here.' But in the silence of the hills, you can imagine anything. I said, 'I often imagine things. I've heard babies crying in this silence. I've thought that I heard symphony orchestra,' but Margaret said, 'I’m sure I heard a telephone ringing.' She got up and went round the back of the rock and there was a cow with a bell around its neck.

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  • Cliques poem ( recorded by poetrybug ), British

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    To be an idea
    Not a person,
    A thing.
    How do you break the barrier
    Of a closely knit ring?
    A prep,
    A jock,
    A punk,
    A hick.
    All to each other
    Together they stick.
    Following rules where none have been writ,
    Based upon the clothes you wear,
    The places you sit.
    Personalities change,
    Hair is styled
    Where once you were outspoken,
    Now you are mild.
    Why this change
    So suddenly come?
    What, oh what,
    Has school to you done?

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  • Stranger Things ( recorded by KristianMort ), unspecified accent

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    I’m really into T.V. series, especially sci-fi ones. My favorite is definitely “Stranger things”. It's such a cool series and I’ll tell you why!
    First, the atmosphere. It’s so creepy and mysterious, you know? It makes you jumpy if you watch it at night. I just love it.
    Second, the characters. Even if they are from the 80s, you just feel so close to them!
    Third, the plot’s really gripping, full of cliffhangers. It makes you want to watch another episode as soon as you’ve finished one. It’s completely addictive! What about you? What do you think? Tell me!

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  • Dialogue between man and woman ( recorded by erso9 ), American, Mexican

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